April 18, 2023

The Many Ways that a Higher Power Can Show Up in Our Lives.

Someone recently asked me, “How does a Higher Power show up for you?” 

In my experience, it can be tempting to feel the need to point to some big miraculous event or a life-changing moment as evidence of the existence of a Higher Power and how that shows up for us in our daily lives. 

The ways in which my Higher Power will show up for me are often small and subtle, but miraculous, nonetheless.

Like yesterday, when I was walking home and beginning to worry and think about my business and what I need to do to help it grow. In the midst of my mind starting to worry, I looked up and saw a coffee cup directly in front of me that someone left on a random electrical box that said, “Let go, Let God.” 

Or when a fellow from a 12-step program that I belong to, whom I’ve only met in person once, unexpectedly mailed me a letter the other day thanking me for my support in her life. Moments like these feel like whispers from my Higher Power letting me know that all is well and that I’m being supported.

Specifically, in recovery, my Higher Power shows up for me in my sponsor, outreach calls from fellows, and in working the 12 steps.

My new business partner and his encouragement are ways in which my Higher Power shows up for me. 

My Higher Power shows up for me in the beauty of nature and in hearing the sounds of birds sing. 

My Higher Power shows up for me in the love and support that I receive from my family, friends, and fellows in my program. 

More recently, my Higher Power showed up for me through St. Christopher. My cousin gave me an unexpected gift of a St. Christopher medallion that I now wear around my neck every day. It is a reminder that I’m more than my experience of anxiety.

My Higher Power shows up for me in my vision of living in Mexico City and in the excitement that I feel when I envision myself walking around the parks and eating tacos in the street. 

My Higher Power showed up for me in the man who unexpectedly tested me for HIV 15 years ago even though I had declined taking a test. He saved my life.

My Higher Power has shown up for me by always being there despite my knowing it. I mean, I’m 44 years old, and despite difficult life circumstances and unexpected recent events, all of my needs have been taken care of for the last 44 years. I have much to be grateful for. 

My Higher Power shows up for me in the softening of my heart.

My Higher Power shows up for me when I get the chills from having a deeply moving or exciting conversation.

My Higher Power shows up for me in the many synchronicities that I experience, when I pause long enough to notice them.

My Higher Power shows up for me in the voice memo messages that I give and receive with friends from around the world. 

My Higher Power has shown up for me by helping me write and publish a book, navigate graduate school during the pandemic, and start my career as a therapist in private practice.

My Higher Power has shown up for me by helping me heal a lot of the stress that I’ve carried in my body for many years as a result of growing up in a family that carries the disease of addiction. Even though I sometimes still wake up at 4:30 am with anxiety, my Higher Power continues to show up for me by helping me believe in my anxious thoughts less and less.

My Higher Power shows up for me in the relationships that I have with my nieces and nephews and in the sound of their laughter when I tell a cheesy “dad joke.” 

My Higher Power especially shows up for me when I’m running at the beach while listening to Nora En Pure (my absolute favorite DJ) and watching the ocean waves as I run by. 

The sun on my skin, the dove that just landed on my window sill who is looking at me as I finish writing this final paragraph, the smile from a stranger walking by me on the street, the warm welcome that I receive from the person greeting me from the front desk at my gym, my daily prayer and meditation practice, and my daily morning walk where I feel, even if only for a moment, peace, serenity, trust, and love. Those are some of the many, many ways my Higher Power shows up for me.

If I were to ask you the question, “How does your Higher Power show up for you?” What would you say?


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author: Chris Tompkins

Image: Joshua Earle/Unsplash

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