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April 4, 2023

What if?

What if….we face all the love there is?

I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me

Love will pour us with infinite adoration.

That can appear as joy and delight and it can appear as agony.

I’ve known so very much of both in this life.

The last years have been mired in agony and yet also bliss has not left.

The paradoxes of life are right at its heart.

The circumstances leading to daily agony and trauma have changed and I have written a new life in this moment.It is one that has an undercurrent thrum of joy, different than I’ve known before.

Circumstances contribute but they are not causal. They are reflections.

Unconditional love is our heartsong.

It is our frequency.

Yet most of us live much of the time in very different fields of fear, self-loathing, and separation. The ego field of not-enoughness.

Our journeying is through these fields discovering that the context for everything always is Divine Love.

Our journey is discovering all the characters playing out in our unique Cosmic movie and knowing that we are the great director.

Our journey is to crack open infinitely to the Love that is. To let it have us. To let it burn and destroy and adore every single part of us.

When we wake up, what do we see?

Helen’s passion is embodied awakening. Through authentic meeting, expanding consciousness, writing, relatefulness, dancing, healing, and exploring. I’ve been an explorer and guide of broad realms for decades. Come over and play.

Helen’s first book “Coming Home – Sharings along the Road” – is out now on Amazon.

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