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April 11, 2023

What is my soul’s calling and how do I find it?

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The age old question that I’m willing to bet you have spent many hours obsessing about.
Purpose has somehow been interchanged with value and that is going to fuck you up royally.
To me your purpose lights up something within-passion, possibilities and excitement. Your value is inherent, never changing because you are always worthy.

I see so many of you investing $$$ into coaching, healing, and courses in order to find THAT answer. Trust me when I say I’ve been there, done that and wrote a whole book on it.

It drove so much shame and guilt because I didn’t know if I was actually embodying my purpose?

Healers or psychics would tell me “you have a big role here” or “you are meant to be helping others.”
What does that even mean? 

It felt like I was talking to Yoda and I don’t even like Star Wars (please don’t come at me haha). 

Like embodiment and alignment,  “finding your soul’s calling” can feel equally elusive. Buzz words that are thrown around within the coaching/spiritual spaces but mean different things to each person. The thing with these concepts is you don’t really know until you know. It’s a feeling state that is difficult to put into words. At the core both require you to be present and in your body. This is where a lot of the answers you seek will be found.

In the quest to “find” my purpose led me down a rabbit hole of old stories and beliefs that I later realized weren’t even mine. What I discovered was  I was never really able to find it because I didn’t believe I could HOLD it.

I was scared to death of the responsiblity required to live my dreams, desires and purpose. What if I fuck it up? What if it I got it wrong?

This is a BIG fear many of us hold.

Truthfully I don’t believe you’ll ever find what you are looking for outside of yourself. The wisdom is already there, you are simply shedding the layers of patterns, stories and beliefs that keep it hidden away.

Accessing this part of yourself requires slow down and getting present. Life is the greatest teachers of all. You have to be willing to BE open to it.

When you are constantly “LOOKING” for your purpose, you miss out on the opportunities and bread crumbs that God/Creator is leaving for you. I wanted to know my purpose because I wanted to feel like I was worthy enough to do something BIG and EXTRAORDINARY.

What if the ordinary moments, the commitment to showing up and letting God/Creator lead you IS the purpose?

Relax and take the pressure off yourself. You don’t need to know all the answers. That would be boring and provide limited opportunities for growth.

So HOW do you discover YOUR soul’s calling? 
  1. Get present-the present is the greatest teacher. 
  2. Heal the old beliefs that tell you aren’t worthy
  3. Check yourself-your purpose can be ANYTHING
  4. Trust & faith- you don’t always need to know the HOW. 
  5. Have fun and live your life- You came here to BE human, so BE human. 
Let life lead you and trust me you’ll find the magic you seek. 
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