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April 18, 2023

Where is Heaven?

What if Heaven wasn’t just a place, but the true essence that resides within every human being, and is in fact, available at all times? And what if its discovery was simply just a shift in perception?

For many people all over the world, the idea that a Heaven being on Earth or anywhere, can exist is often seen as a Utopian fantasy. With the Social structure existing as it has been and the rise of inflation creating an almost unsustainable expectancy, it seems that it can even be challenging to get up in the morning and face the day. The global dissonance and disharmony that is splattered all over the news, and the media, certainly does not offer solutions and, in fact, creates even more fear-based realities that feed upon themselves.

Thus, this begs the question, who or what are you feeding?

Is it not well past time to give focus and vital energy to what uplifts the spirit and feeds the light of the soul? If enough people in the world spent their days and actions with this focus in mind, the world would be a vastly different place: it would be a place where heaven could exist both in physical manifestation and most importantly within the hearts and minds of the society that co-created it. It is believed that not only is this possible, but it is inevitable.

But before such a potential can arise, there must be a type of rebirth on the world stage. Of course with all births, there are birthing pains. The good news is that once the baby is born, those struggles are forgotten, and the parents and family can spend their energy nurturing and nourishing this little miracle.

The world is undergoing a similar phenomenon, the difference being that a mother’s gestation period is only 9 months, and the cleansing and then gestation period of birthing a mass society takes countless lifetimes and may seem as though the suffering through the birthing canal is never-ending.

So, where is Heaven found in a world with so many diverse faiths, religions, cultures, and societal structures all battling to be “The Way?

The Truth is that Heaven must first be found within the mind and psyche of each individual within a society to be able to create any kind of external world that resembles peace, goodwill, and prosperity for all. A mind is a tool; it can be your jailer or it can set you free.

In Yogic and Eastern traditions, the ancient sages, sadhus and gurus spoke of a time when there would be a convergence of energies that would inevitably create a new world that bridged the heavens and the Earth, this was called The Golden Age. This world spoken of was one that through great trials had overcome much of the lower mind and desire drive, and was collectively radiating peace and value for each other and all life. This was to come after a period of disharmony where the secrets of humanity buried within the records of the Earth, would come to the surface, releasing the density held and allowing the frequency of the Earth to rise and ascend along with the sentient life on the planet.

What if for one moment, people stopped to feel that perhaps the cycle of time written in ancient scriptures is happening right now? If one looked very closely in the right places, it may just be seen that some of the ancient ones, who have left their footsteps in sacred texts, have returned to help re-constitute this Heaven within.

In this case, the looking glass goes both ways and the answer relies heavily on the fact that what is alive within, will be one’s experienced reality. A metaphor for this is a movie screen.

A movie is comprised of any number of video clips and images all moving and changing on the screen. When the movie ends and the emotions settle, what is left is the blank screen itself. The mind works like the tool of the blank screen. According to your thoughts, the images appear and dance on the screen. The images may always change, but it is the screen that remains the same, just like in a theatre.

So, how does one control the unruly mind along with those unfortunate thoughts that can sometimes go rogue and perpetuate suffering?

We return to the simplicity and profundity of breath. We always give this simple formula to our students all over the world. Your breath controls your thoughts, your thoughts control your emotion and your emotion controls your behavior. This is how you begin to control your destiny, alter your perception, embody more of your soul and create a piece of heaven within.

In this short article, we shall give you a very easy practice that can alter the direction of your life if you do this daily, it requires no more than 1-3 minutes a day of your time.

Take your thumb from your right hand, and cover your right nostril. Keep your fingers pointing upward with an open palm. Breathe in through your left nostril with the right nostril completely blocked off. Breathe in and out keeping your right nostril closed. Do this for 1 minute a day and you may just begin to know where Heaven is truly found.

It is often said, that heaven on Earth is too good to be true. Perhaps, it is too good not to be true. What reality do you want to believe in?

Where is Heaven? That is up to us.

Author Bio: 

Are you ready to fast-track your spiritual growth and finally live the life of your dreams and fulfill your divine purpose? TwinRay is the divine union, vision, and teachings of world-renowned luminaries Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji, whose mission is to awaken peace on earth by inspiring peace within.

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