Procrastination is a symptom of an over functioning masculine energy.
It’s what happens when you’re so far removed from feminine, creative energy that you’re using your life force to get by.
It’s what we call “discipline”.
But since discipline needs to consume life force to even exist, you’ll burn out sooner or later.
Many people can exist in a constant burning of life force energy for years. But the collapse is inevitable. Meanwhile your relationships suffer, your self-esteems suffers, your sex life suffers.
It’s a misguided method of realigning yourself with what’s true for you, today, right now.
So what’s the root? The root is our societal conditioning.
“You need to go to college, get a degree, earn lots of money, marry and have kids and buy a house, and save for retirement.”
It’s a masculine illusion. A list of goals you’re supposed to accomplish to find happiness.
This illusion is starting to collapse, as you’ve probably noticed.
When you live in your body, you realign with your internal guide. You learn to follow where the energy leads you. And you’ll discover what you’re meant to commit yourself to.
Commitment isn’t discipline.
Commitment is spacious, an endless energy generator, pure creative power.
I committed myself to daily yoga practice three years ago. When I get sick, I rest and don’t do yoga. When I’m healthy again, I resume where I left off without blame or shame. In total, I’ve been doing 15 minutes of yoga every two days for the past three years.
I committed myself to building my own community and business last year. I show up here every day. I listen to what wants to be created. This morning I had no idea I’d be writing this, but here I am.
I don’t worry about the logistics. I felt what I’m committed to, and stay connected to my body.
I’ve never procrastinated writing a post, yoga, drawing practice, or making a meal. Never. Because I’m living in accordance with what I’m meant to be doing every single day.
I remember a conversation with one of my Chemistry professors (Yeah, I studied Chemistry for three years). He didn’t know how to help a PhD student of his who chronically procrastinated writing his theses until the last moment.
“I tell him to sit down and do it, but he just can’t.”
Of course not, if his life force energy is running so low that he can’t generate discipline anymore.
Another variable to this is ADHD, which is also known as “feminine brain wiring” and thus misunderstood and pathologized.
Masculine brains work linearly. They sit down and complete one thing, then the next, then the next. They do lists.
Feminine brains work with associations. They switch between tasks multiple times until one gets finished, then the next gets continued, then the next, until one of them is finished, too.
What’s not normal is our society’s focus and hypervalue of linear thinking when both types are needed.
Also, brain wiring has nothing to do with men and women. Men can have associative brains and women can have linear brains. Neither is inherently better or worse.
Personally, my well of discipline lasted until I was 23 years old. In school, I used it to get straight As. Until all that remained in the well was a puddle and I realized, “No, I can’t sacrifice my life for things I don’t even care about.”
Would I get diagnosed with ADHD? Probably. I fit the descriptions.
Do I care? No, because I’m living according to my biology. I get shit done, when it’s meant to get done, in the way it’s meant to get done.
It took years of unlearning to develop this ease and trust in my feminine nature. It goes against everything we learn about “work ethic” and “reliability”.
And once you experience how easy life becomes when your masculine conditioning gets out of the way, you can’t go back.
You might find a way to incorporate your deepest calling in your corporate job. You might not.
That uncertainty is part of the game we call life.
But if you’re a procrastinator, know that it’s not you.
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