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May 5, 2023

10 Things to Beat the Heat

Summer is very close and you probably want to be in a pool, taking it slow and easy, but for some reason, you can’t. Fear not, here are some things you can do to stay cool inside out. It’s easier to attack a problem from the inside, instead of just the outside.

  1. Stay hydrated – This is the golden rule! Drink water throughout the day to keep your body cool and prevent dehydration. According to Ayurvedic principles, drink cool water and not cold (or iced) water as it may distinguish the digestive fire.
  2. Eat light and cool foods – Eating lighter meals that don’t require a lot of energy to digest can help keep your body cooler. Additionally, eat fully ripe and juicy fruits such as watermelons, grapes, mangoes and pears. Vegetables such as cucumbers, broccoli, and zucchini also have cooling properties. Avoid peppers, garlic, dry ginger mustard and radishes. Cook with spices such as fennel, mint and coriander.Tips: To balance the pitta dosha – eat sweet, astringent and bitter tastes.
  3. Use earthen (clay) utensils – Earthen wear keeps water cooler and adds a lovely freshness. Store water in clay pots or bottles to naturally cool the water.
  4. Cooling Pranayama – Sheetali, Sheetkari and Sadanta are excellent ways to cool the body as they reduce the temperature of the blood almost immediately.Sheetali – Make a tube-like shape of the tongue, inhale from the mouth, feeling the air cool the tongue. Once the inhalation is complete, exhale completely from the nose.

    Sheetkari – Roll the tongue and press the tip of the tongue with the upper teeth. Inhale from the mouth and exhale from the nose with the mouth closed.

    Sadanta – If you cannot modulate the shape of the tongue, press the upper and the lower teeth, inhale from the mouth and exhale from the nose.

  5. Wear light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes – Airy clothes allow air to circulate around your body, while light-coloured clothes reflect sunlight and heat away from your skin.
  6. Use sunscreen – Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun by using sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
  7. Avoid outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day – Take it easy until late afternoon at the very least. Try to limit your time outside during the midday hours when the sun is at its strongest.
  8. Take cool showers or baths – Cool showers or baths can help lower your body temperature and provide relief from the heat.9
  9. Use fans or air conditioning – Fans and air conditioning can help circulate cool air and keep you comfortable.
  10. Avoid alcohol and caffeine – Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your body, making it more difficult to stay cool. But if you can’t stay without that cuppa joe, drink it cold and drink an extra glass of water for every drink you have.

Bonus Tip: Keep a bowl of water in the window or balcony for the birds and squirrels. They need it as much as we do!

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