May 11, 2023

A Mother’s Child: a Poem of Forgiveness.

You called me your sunshine

But I could not make you stay
You left and in your absence

My sky held only gray

In one knowing moment

I aged a thousand years

A little girl turned warrior brave

My childhood disappears

Womanhood bestowing

My tenacious battle cry
I faced the world with love
And no intent to vilify

For if my inner child
Could meet inner child in you,

I’d take your hand and understand
Your mother left you too

I viewed my own reflection

Our resemblance in my face
Then held myself in tenderness

And gentle, loving grace

Determined to transcend

I became a ray of light

And took my sisters by the hand

To guide us through the night

When dawn returned without you

We released the pointed blame
We stood firm in radiance

Devoid of mislaid shame

Free from cycled trauma
Our story reconciled

My sky is full of golden sun
A healing mother’s child


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Madeline Lillis  |  Contribution: 4,665

author: Madeline Lillis

Image: Nadin Sh/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson