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May 8, 2023

Chakras – a different perspective.

Chakras have nothing to do with spirituality or psychic perception. They cannot be blocked. They cannot be opened or closed through any ritual or exercise. They cannot be unbalanced and obviously – nobody therefore can ‘balance your chakras’ or ‘cleanse’ them. Everyone that believes any of these concepts simply doesn’t understand the full picture. Many healers, therapists, teachers, writers and gurus promulgate these beliefs.

The thing is – for the most part, people just believe what they are told or taught. The problem is that the bowl the teachers and tutors are holding is indeed full; but they only perceive half of its contents.  Like a jigsaw of 1000 pieces in a box; the user only sees and knows of 500 of the pieces. So when they create their picture, there are spaces on the table between all of these 500; so they fill in the gaps as best as they can. Where these gaps are in the picture – there are assumptions.

Do you want to know about the other 500? Let’s turn to exoteric science for some ironic allegory. Energy has two factors; it has strength and it has frequency. Stand on a beach and look out to sea, there is kinetic energy present in the medium of the water, it manifests as waves. The strength of the energy is reflected in the size of the waves. The frequency of the energy is shown in how often the waves break upon the shore. All forms of energy have these two determining factors – including all subtle energies.

Chakras exist in our system solely for the health of our body. Look at a door. Imagine you can see lots of big tubes passing through the doorway. Imagine you can see inside these tubes and then see lots of channels, you look deeper and inside these channels there are sub-channels. Inside these there are threads and inside these threads are micro-threads. The doorway is like a chakra – it only has one function; to allow passage of subtle energies through it, travelling one way and back again. The tubes go to major areas of the body; the main organs… The channels go to specific parts of these organs. The sub channels again finer and finer in relevance until each of the micro threads attend to each and every single cell. The micro-threads carry both vitality and also an information command; like a program in a sense. The energies come from our inner subtle bodies to this outer physical one by means of the chakras which act in a sense like subtle energy portals. Chakras cannot be opened or closed – they are always present to allow passage of energies passing through in both directions.

Different chakras allow different types of energy through from ‘within you’ to the etheric subtle counterpart of every single cell in your physical body; countless billions of them. However subtle energies pass through the base chakra cannot pass through the throat chakra for example. The reason being – the chakras all allow passage of different types of human subtle energies that have specific strengths of vibration.

Now then, what about our spirituality, intuition, feelings and awareness? These are not associated to the chakras. They are actually associated to other subtle energy centres in the same location as the chakras but the two do not mix. So imagine you have drawn a diagram of the body on a sheet of paper and placed it on a table. Now get 7 silver coins and place them on the chakra locations. Then get 7 copper coins and place these on the silver coins. Seven locations, two energy centres at each location. Now draw the I&P intertwining around the coins; blue going from beneath the bottom coins up and at the same time in between, around the second coins back in below the third and so on to the top then a yellow line coming back down in and around all the coins again.

The other subtle energy centres represented by the copper coins are not generally known about – not many people are privy to this depth of subtle reality. They deal with human subtle energies relative to the frequency of those energies. These energies in these other energy centres (I refer to them as Psy Centres) are the root of manifesting spiritual development and psychic or intuitive faculties. So it is not the Ajna or Brow chakra that governs clairvoyant vision – it is in fact the Brow psy centre instead. As people evolve, they eventually all develop natural, human subtle abilities in keeping with their spiritual evolution; as they do – their qualities are as a result of these psy centres becoming activated with the subtle energies within them being charged by Kundalini.

You now have more pieces of the jigsaw.

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