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May 16, 2023

Decoding the Silent Language: Unveiling the Secrets of Body Language on Paper

In the realm of human communication, words are not the sole conveyors of meaning. It is often said that a staggering 80% of communication is non-verbal, transcending the limits of spoken language. Beyond the spoken word, our body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice play a crucial role in conveying our true intentions, emotions, and attitudes. These non-verbal cues can speak volumes, offering valuable insights into our thoughts and feelings. Whether it’s the way we stand, the twinkle in our eyes, or the subtle movements of our hands, non-verbal communication provides a rich tapestry of information that can enhance our understanding of others and foster more authentic connections. By attuning ourselves to the intricacies of body language, we open ourselves to a deeper level of communication that extends beyond mere words, unlocking a world of unspoken messages waiting to be deciphered.

Handwriting is a “crystallized gesture” meaning it is a recording of our body language, a recording of our personality, fears/defenses, mental processing and much more. Our handwriting originates from our subconscious mind and our hand merely executes the task.

The intricate details of size, pressure, and slant in handwriting provide valuable insights into a person’s character. These global qualities offer a glimpse into their individuality and unique traits. Additionally, the spacing between letters, lines, and margins, along with the proportion and distinct formation of each letter, further contribute to the vivid portrait of their personality. Together, these elements paint a comprehensive picture, allowing us to unravel the hidden nuances and understand the depths of a person’s psyche through the art of handwriting analysis.

Slant in handwriting reveals a person’s degree of emotional responsiveness, or lack of it. It provides information on how people show their feelings and how they react to others and to the environment. The more writing slants toward the right, the more likely people are to show their feelings. Left slant, then, indicates a lack of responsiveness.

Here are some keywords associated with various slants of handwriting.

Many years ago I had a sales position and knowing what I know about what handwriting reveals, I made sure to try to see a bit of the customers writing so I could tailor my sales pitch. If I noticed a left slant in their handwriting, it indicated a more self-protective ego. In such cases, I would emphasize how my product would directly benefit them personally. Conversely, if their writing exhibited a right slant, it indicated a person who had a natural inclination to connect with others. In those instances, I would focus my pitch on how my product could enhance their relationship with their customers. By understanding the subtle cues within their handwriting, I was able to customize my approach and establish a stronger rapport, ultimately increasing my chances of a successful sale.

Whenever you look at a writing sample remember that the more extreme something is in the writing, the more extreme something is in the personality.

This next image shows samples of extreme backslant and extreme forward slant.

For the topic of slant that means if someone has an extremely back-slanted writing (we are taught to write with a slight right slant) something happened earlier in life that was so painful that they had to withdraw their energy into themselves. For the extreme right slanted person we would experience extreme emotional reactions (though we do look for factors in handwriting that can curb this, a bit, such as discipline and dignity).

If I was working with someone that had an extreme back-slant I’d be interested in seeing their astrological chart and what core wounding the have in their soul contract. If I was working with a person with extreme forward slant I would ask where in their life this reactionary personality might have caused difficulty.

Always remember, when you see someone’s writing you are seeing someone’s energy; you just need to learn the symbolic language of the writing.

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Lisa Kuimjian, M.A. Jungian Psychology  |  Contribution: 2,875