May 23, 2023

Denver Mayoral Runoff: Yoga & Politics.

I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Mike Johnston, Candidate for Denver Mayor. Cindy and Kathy, a couple of my yoga students graciously hosted a Meet and Greet in the neighborhood.

In the brief conversation we had, we couldn’t stop finding and sharing common threads.

The most significant one for me, was when he asked why I do what I do…I shared how I consider myself to be a bridge between communities and culture through Bilingual Yoga. He shared the sentiment, especially with the current political climate by building and sustaining common ground.

His real themes are truth and hope. If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear his heartfelt Education speech, please do yourself a favor, regardless if you live or vote in Denver. You might end up with tears in your eyes, like I did.


If you want to learn more about him or his plans for Denver click here.

I am grateful to my meditation, mindfulness, and yoga communities, who have both inspired me and who I have felt inspired by, to be a part of the conversation in civic engagement and social and environmental justice. If we truly live our yoga, we must become civically engaged.

These are part of the challenges Denver is facing: homelessness, affordability, and safety.

The purpose of our practice is to be able to be more conscious in the real world. What we practice on our mat is what we practice in the real world.

“If yoga can transform us individually, why not collectively?” ~ Reggie Hubbard

We have the responsibility to be out in the world in a more engaged, conscious way. Mindfully casting a ballot is a start to changing the world. Our democracy is stronger when we participate!

Mile High City voters, mindfully cast your vote before Tuesday June 6th, 2023 at 7 p.m. If you need instructions, locations, and times click here.


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Michelle M. Smith  |  Contribution: 6,350

author: Michelle M. Smith

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Lisa Erickson