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May 29, 2023

Good Vibes! A NYC Story by Sherri Rosen

After 9/11 many were moving out of downtown and even out of the City.  No, not me. Call me stupid, crazy, an intuitive, but I received a “calling “ to move to the area and help in the healing process.  At the same time I had become an interfaith minister and prior to that had studied Dr Peter Levine’s trauma work for 3 years and another modality called Plant Spirit Healing by my amazing teacher, Marlow Brooks.

In the downtown area I became one of the Interfaith Ministers at TriBeCa Spiritual Center and volunteered working with Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients at what was then called “The Hallmark” (name since changed)—an upscale senior residence in Battery Park City.
I left 15 Park Row in 2008 to move to where I am now in Harlem.  That was 15 years ago.
Last Friday I met a friend to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge but I was early and I had to pee. Went into Starbucks and there was a long line so I decided to go to my old building at 15 Park Row to pee and to see if any of the old guard was still working there.
I walk into the building and the minute I get near the reception area the doorman on duty gets up from his desk, arms outstretched, walks over to me and wraps me around in a big hug saying “Sherri it’s so great to see you”. His name is Rube and then he calls one of the maintenance men who remembered me, Lopez, and he remembers me and we give each other a great big hug.
It was so beautiful that I was deeply touched and I felt “I know I left good vibes while there and this was 15 years ago!  Oh and they said something a woman always loves  to hear “ you haven’t changed”❤️
By the way, I did get to pee.



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