May 29, 2023

So I ran the Bolder Boulder without training & loved it (mostly).

Ran the Bolder Boulder, despite being under the weather! That sucked! And was so fun! Community! Getting through tough stuff!

Beautiful day. Friends. So many silly outfits in the later waves especially, and seeing the pros glide by is just awe inspiring. Sat by a bunch of folks including a lady who said “I moved to Boulder 10 years ago because of Elephant.” So that was sweet. I’m sore. And working all day! Winnie’s curled up beneath my feet as I work, now, downtown.

Thank you Ryan for nudging me to do it!

I ran my first when I was 12, way back, and only these last 10 years or so have got back to it. It’s the one day of the year I run, typically, which ain’t smart but I do love the challenge.

Saw a lot of waste–would love to see Bolder Boulder go zero waste. Started the race with fellow superhero-outfitted John Tayer, that was a sweet moment.

I’ll know my time soon!

A friend asked: I’m curious how does one run the Bolder boulder without ever training??

I bike and am active, generally. But I literally never run. I ran a few days ago and was in pain the whole time (lungs, then sore later). But I just go for it and my rule is that I don’t stop or walk, but it’s not like I’m very fast. And being sick…that made it much harder this year!

A bit repetitive in places but something else I just wrote:

I don’t run at all every year, then I stagger through the Bolder Boulder, an unfortunate combination of competitiveness and ineptitude. Two years I’ve managed 52 minutes—maybe better one year, but I’m not seeing my results on the crashed bolderboulder.com site right now. This year I was sick, a bit, so I just did my best.

I first ran the Bolder Boulder when I was 12 at Vidya, then not again ’til maybe 10 years ago at the encouragement of Duzer, Sandrock and the good folks at the Bolder Boulder.

It’s one of the most famous races in the world–already special in many ways–I’d love to see it become a zero waste/plastic free event over the next few years (I’ve been saying that for a few years…) and am happy to help advise and being in experts!

Thank you to those who cheered, I needed it! Afterward I limped home, showered, dressed, and Winfield and I went downtown to work all day and watch the race and the silly outfits at dear Laughing Goat. Then Laura Garcia, in town, and I got lunch at good ol’Foolish Craig’s. Then she dropped me near my bike (I bike out to the beginning of the race) and Winnie and I got some good food at Nude Foods Market, then went to the Goat for round two of work, then home, with many dips in the creek (for Winnie) in between. I’m sore but proud that I did it, had a great time, and an awful time, but didn’t walk, just kept at it.

Next year, when I run, I may be Mayor or on City Council. This year, started the race with John Tayer, who left me in his dust. I’ll get you next year (shakes fist)

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