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May 9, 2023

Taking off the masks

Imagine what it would feel like to peel off the armour you’ve wrapped around yourself. Built through the endless struggle of curating an image of yourself. A rigid image especially created for the world. One that mingles with all the other masked souls out there. Spending time and energy keeping up appearances in what seems to be a marionette of life.

The weight that could be lifted. By being who you actually are in this very moment. An expression of the constant growth and transformation that is your life experience. A person who allows your inner essence to be expressed unapologetically. Guided by your core values and perhaps a hint of intuition.

It is a choice. Choosing to BE you. To express yourself. As you are. ​

And it takes courage. A lot of it. But this type of courage doesn’t judge you for not conquering every single inner fear. Or getting it ‘right’ every single time. Nor is it the type of courage that stuffs away emotions or believes they are weak. It doesn’t shame you for not knowing. ​Or feeling scared or wobbly. ​

This type of courage listens deeply. It grows in parallel with self-love and the acceptance of what is. The kind that helps you become aware of the fears that grip you, even the underlying ones that are tucked out of sight. Courage that supports you in loving yourself enough to honour your fears. To feel all the feels. Walking you through life journeys to provide the safety you need for healing and transformation.

After a lifetime of wrapping yourself in layers of conditioned patterns, as a way of fitting in, giving space for the truth can feel exposed. Showing parts of yourself that may feel emotional, insecure, anxious…. Or just different from how you’ve created your life. Ironically leaving you feeling unseen even though it’s you who is hiding yourself away.

Being willing to stand out is part of it. That doesn’t mean that you must be at the centre stage of life with all eyes on you. It’s more human than that. It comes through integrating that we are all different. Different reflections built up of how we absorb and move with life. Most of us know that each one of us is unique in this existence. But not many of us believe it all the way down in our bones.

It takes practice. ​

And a deep acceptance that you have fears like everyone else. Growing the capacity to be with those fears, and all parts of yourself that you hide and judge, gives space for you to start freely being you. Bringing your authentic self into the co-creation of life.

One of the main things that keep us from stepping into our essence is the reluctance to own our full range of emotion. To allow yourself to feel it and to take responsibility for it. Instead of projecting it. This resistance is fear based. Few of us have been raised to know how to deal with our inner world of emotions in a healthy way.

This energy gets stuck in our chakras. The solar plexus is the centre of your personal power. It is not collective, it isn’t shared. Basically, it’s you. Your power. A unique expression of your being and your individual life force. When it’s out of balance, it can fester into internal competitive ego struggles.

​On the one hand, it triggers an energy of survival through an unconscious belief of scarcity. A part that is always searching to gain and have more. More success, more beauty, more sex, more money, being a better parent, more power, being smarter, more emotionally intelligent, more creative…etc. It differs from person to person based on everyone’s beliefs and map of the world. You might find yourself running for more, more, more.

​On the other hand, there may be suppression or denial of power. Embracing a victim role and believe that life is happening to you. Thereby giving up your choice and power. Or becoming a vanilla cupcake so you are easily digestible by all, blending in, trying not to be too much. Making you easy to forget or be replaced by someone more distinctive.

We all get caught up in the ego, which leads to a build-up of frustrations and anger when we buy into these seeping beliefs that are not part of who we are. Building awareness and learning to express your truths around your lived emotions, support you in stepping into your power.

A new path of life begins by pulling off the veil of deception to see what your natural essence is. Accepting your full self, your inner truths – the dark and light. No lies. No masks. No deception. Just you. Opening to vulnerability by offering yourself the safety you need by listening to your own rhythm, and not pushing too hard. ​Remembering and most importantly being in your body, your pleasure, your needs, your passion, your soul. ​How would your life change if you could live that?

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Juel McNeilly  |  Contribution: 120