Wonderings and Wonderment
by Sharon Lynn Clark
I remember an early morning, in an airport, a few years ago, en route to Houston, TX for Thanksgiving. My daughter and I were going through security. Behind us in line came a beautiful Black mom and her son proceeding through, the same as us. We went through but the security guard stopped her and asked if he could put something on her hands to check for explosives.
What? I was confused. And more than that I felt enraged. Why her? Why was this mom, well dressed with makeup on, looking quite a bit ‘fancier’ than I, stopped and my child and I were not.
A few minutes later they happened to be at the same gate, waiting for the same plane. For a second it felt like it was going to be too hard to speak these words, but, with all the courage I could muster, and not thinking too much about it, my daughter and I approached them and I said, “excuse me but I just wanted to tell you that I really didn’t like what happened at the security gate a few minutes ago. I’ve felt upset and since I am seeing you now I wanted to express that it was not OK.” With a slight, soft smile. she said, “Thank you and it’s OK.” I responded, “No, it’s not.”
She was quite gracious and kind while I, on the other hand felt like something needed to be done. I was livid on behalf of this mom and her young son, with a smile I can still visualize. My child witnessed my actions, and that too felt significant.
I remember for the next few days I felt compelled to say something to a larger entity like the head of security at the airport, or the mayor, governor, or media, but I did not speak the words out loud. The air surrounding this experience felt like racial profiling and unfair treatment. One ‘could’ argue that it just happened that she was chosen. ‘There is a certain quota of people who must be checked every hour/day and and it was her turn. It had nothing to do with the color of her skin.’
Maybe. But I did not voice my concern because I did not feel like I knew, precisely what to say. I am still unsure, as I write this now. But I will trust my voice and my intuition.
That. That. is enough for this moment.
And there is almost too much beauty and too much sadness
The gathering, winding wind on this sunny day makes me think about all of us
human beings
trying to have spiritual experiences
How fast to place each other in boxes – why?
to categorize faster, draw speedier assumptions
that’s not truly who were are
White, Deaf, hearing, gay, queer, STRAIGHT, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Palestinian, Black
As if every single human is not as unique as the one who creates us
What do I know?
About as much as I listen to
As much as my being is open to receiving
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