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June 3, 2023

Deepen Your Intuition: Three Powerful Journaling Techniques to Enhance the Wisdom of Oracle Cards

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I vividly remember the day I received my first deck at the age of 13—the timeless and classic Rider-Waite Tarot deck. I couldn’t put it down for days and was obsessively doing readings for anyone who was willing to listen. Since then, my collection has expanded, and I have delved into various types of cards and used them to feel more empowered, confident, and to deepen my intuition. I even use them in my business.

Nowadays, there is an abundance of visually stunning, vibrant cards, catering to diverse preferences. Whether you’re drawn to plant, animal, or nature-inspired decks, cosmic and ocean oracle cards, or the more traditional Tarot-inspired oracle decks, there is a deck that resonates with everyone. I have found that while each deck has its unique teachings, they all contain universal truths in some way.

Today, I want to share with you different ideas for journaling with oracle cards that will enable you to go beyond the surface level and integrate their guidance into your life. And the best part is, this integration process doesn’t have to be mundane; quite the contrary. If you have a passion for cards and journaling, you will find yourself in your element.


1.Intuitive 1-Card Reading: Deepening Trust in Your Intuition

If you find yourself often relying on others’ guidance or seeking direction from oracle cards to tell you what to do, then you will especially benefit from this journaling prompt, as it is designed to strengthen your trust in your own intuition. While oracle cards offer guidance that can help shift our energy, it’s important to remember that the wisdom ultimately comes from within, each card is merely an activator of the answers that had always been there.

Begin by shuffling the oracle cards of your choice. Whenever you feel drawn to stop, pull a single card and place it facedown. Have a pen and paper ready. When the time feels right, turn the card over and begin writing about what you sense this card is meant to communicate to you. If you find it challenging to simply free write, you can use the following series of questions to help you get started.

What were your initial feelings when you first saw the card?

Are there specific elements within the artwork that resonate with you?

Which symbols or aspects of the artwork spoke to you the most?

What do you believe is the primary message of this card? Even if you had to make a wild guess, what would you say this card is trying to tell you?

What lessons might this card be teaching you today?

Trust that your interpretations and insights are valuable and unique to your journey and remember that there is no right or wrong way of doing this. Let your intuition guide the way.

2. Using the Guidebook: Maximising the Impact of Your Card Readings

If you often find yourself pulling cards but struggle to integrate or act upon the guidance you receive, this journaling prompt is perfect for you. It’s time to change that pattern. Begin by pulling a single card, taking a moment to sit with it and connect with its energy. Then, as you would typically do, use the guidebook to read the accompanying interpretation. However, this time, I also invite you to journal on the messages you have received. To help you in this process, I have put together a set of questions to guide your exploration.

Which messages from the reading stood out to you the most?

What specific part of the reading resonated with you on a deeper level?

Did any part of the reading feel a little triggering? If so, what could this potentially signify?

Considering the entire reading, what is your biggest takeaway? 

What practical steps can you take to embody the message?

What action step can you commit to today in order to anchor this message into your life?

By journaling on the guidance you receive, you empower yourself to embrace the transformative potential of your readings and can take action steps that will make a difference in  your life.

3. A Firestarter for Creativity: Igniting Inspiration with Oracle Cards

The third prompt we’ll explore is designed to activate your creativity, making it ideal for moments when you seek inspiration to write a poem, blog post, or journal about a memory or feeling. It can also be a powerful tool to kickstart a new art project or any other creative endeavour. Set the intention for the chosen card to become your muse, your firestarter, igniting inspiration in an area of your life that needs a creative boost.

Begin by pulling a single card and take a moment to observe it. Let the artwork inspire you, allowing it to fuel your creative fire. Then, reflect on the following series of questions:

What emotions arose when you turned the card over?

Which aspect of the card stood out to you the most?

What symbol or part of the image immediately caught your attention?

What was the first colour that caught your eye?

What words come to mind as you contemplate the card?

Did any particular memory emerge as you focused on the image?

Which element (fire, earth, air or water) do you feel is connected to this card?

If this card had a voice, what message would it share with you?

You can further consult the guidebook or interpret the card intuitively. Then let this card inspire your next creation. Personally, I find this technique to be an excellent firestarter for writing poetry or journaling.

Oracle cards are not just visually appealing; they also hold the power to guide us in navigating the often messy human experience. If you desire to incorporate journaling with oracle cards more frequently or explore your relationship with the artwork of a new deck, consider pulling a card each morning or evening and using it as a prompt for further exploration. Remember, above all, that oracle cards are tools. Even without them, all the answers you seek already reside within you.

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