5.9 Editor's Pick
June 30, 2023

Dust, Clutter, Chi, & Feng Shui. Waylon with author Anjie Cho. {Part 1}

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

I sat down with author Anjie Cho on feng shui! This stuff inspires me! 90% of it is easily applicable.

“I’m so honored to be here: when I first started as an entrepreneur, I submitted my articles in 2015 and 2016 to Elephant and they’re still there. You started posting them and I was like, oh my gosh! What we say doesn’t go away. Right? These [articles] are still relevant and I’m not embarrassed of what I wrote. It’s full circle.” ~ Anjie Cho

What Are Mindful Spaces?

3 Simple Ways to Create an Inspiring Space with Feng Shui.

A clip of our conversation: 

Watch the rest of this mindful video inside our new grassroots, ethical home for Walk the Talk Show’s videos. Give one a watch with our donation-based “Tip Jar” pass

“Feng shui is a practice that comes from ancient China, and it’s a Taoist practice. The words ‘feng shui’ translate to wind and water.” 

“The misconception is that feng shui is about reducing your clutter, or it’s decluttering, but in fact it’s more about actually seeing how clutter is a way that obstacles manifest in our home.

Just like what we do in meditation practice, we start to observe and notice the obstacles. Then we can start to pay attention to the details and see what obstacles are arising in our hearts, in our mental space, and in our physical spaces.

Take a look at a place in your home where you feel it’s cluttered and start to notice what feelings that brings up for you.

Does it bring up shame? Guilt? What?

Is there something in your home that you consider clutter that creates an obstacle for you?” ~ Anjie Cho


I love it! Get her book, do her course, follow her!

Or, listen to the podcast:

Anjie is on Instagram; follow her here.

“We can even receive messages from the dust in our homes. Dust can tell us there’s been a change of seasons. It can tell us when there are parts of our home, parts of our lives that we’ve neglected.

And so really, it’s a gift and it’s a message from the phenomenal world letting us know, ‘hey, you’re still alive. Shake it up, move things around. Move the chi around’—because when chi is stagnant we’re dead. Thank God that dust accumulates and we’re able to cut through that, right?” ~ Anjie Cho


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I’ve finally found a home for my videos. When you subscribe you’ll be supporting my offering up more videos, podcasts, Elephant Academy, mindful tips, interviews and conversations. After a 20+ years of working for free for YouTube and podcasts, I’m excited to have a grassroots-supported, ethical, indie home for our Walk the Talk Show. ~ Waylon Lewis

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