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June 24, 2023

Is Comfort Stealing Your Thunder?

The need for comfort is a quiet deadly enemy of the soul. Comfort is what keeps us stuck in relationships and jobs we no longer want, bad habits, and bad clothes. Comfort is why you are probably still talking to that co-worker or neighbor you absolutely dislike, or why you haven’t yet told someone you love that you don’t really enjoy their behavior.

We might call the causes for our behaviours different things: fear of conflict; low-self worth; blocked throat chakra; victim mind; powerlessness; blocked solar plexus; etc. But in the end, it all comes down to this: we tend to seek the familiar and the comfortable even when it is not good for us. Being aware of it can help us make some real changes (including deciding to express ourselves when we are terrified of doing so.)

The love of comfort does to our spiritual virility what pot does to our brains and bodies. It numbs us to our own life force. It makes us apathetic and indifferent to our own core desires, our passions and our dreams.  Different from relaxation or enjoyment, comfort is an addiction to keeping things going in the same way.  It is the parent of addiction itself – all that we are seeking with any of our addictions is to find inner comfort.

This is why it is so important to take stock of our lives by diving deeply within with awareness and reflect. Comfort can fool us, and when everything comes crashing down, we can be incredibly surprised. So here are three questions to help you reflect:

Are your actions today helping you to just be comfortable or are they also contributing to creating the life you love?  We are all victims of our automatic daily habits – but they decide the course of our life.

Once you reach a conclusion about a needed course of action, are you likely to give up because it is difficult? The degree of difficulty is rarely an answer as to what course of action we should take.

Do you have blocks that hold you back such as low self-worth,  fear of conflict or other trauma-based triggers? You can work on healing them so they don’t prevent you from choosing what you truly desire in your life.

These are some of the questions you can ask yourself. Taking stock regularly to contemplate our journeys is important. It safeguards us against the silent addictions that can rule our lives. So what do you really want for your life? What experiences do you want to have? What talents do you wish to explore and express? It is always time to honor yourself.

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