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June 20, 2023

What is an Energy Hangover, and why do they matter?

We don’t talk about energy hangovers enough in the spiritual world.

And yet, whenever there’s a shift in our vibrations and energy fields, we may experience them.

For example, if your energy field shifts or stretches during spiritual work, it needs time to recover. Your body needs space to integrate, otherwise, an energy hangover may hit.

Symptoms vary from mild to extreme fatigue and mood swings to changes in appetite and nausea. They’re generally temporary and last anywhere from minutes to days.

The first time I experienced an energy hangover, I’d taken part in a big ritual the night before.

I went to bed buzzing but totally sober, only to wake up the next morning feeling like I’d drunk six bottles of wine.

I had a headache and felt really anxious and groggy. All I wanted to do was curl up under a blanket, watch cheesy on TV all day, eat takeaway food, and drink as much water as possible.

It felt like a hangover, but I just thought it was a bit of a coincidence.

In the years since, the same thing has happened every time after bigger-than-anticipated spiritual work.

Whether it’s a big ritual, a huge shift in energy around me, or an intense client session that shift in my energy often makes itself known.

There are ways to prepare, such as:

  • Meditating to align your vibration
  • Adjusting your energy field
  • Creating a sacred space
  • Gradually moving into spaces and rituals

That being said, sometimes energy hangovers still make an appearance.


Because we don’t realise our own power or how deeply we’re connected; we forget how much bigger and more expansive our energy can be if only we really allow ourselves to step into that power.

In those moments of deep connection and Soul work, we unknowingly push ourselves to a place we are unaccustomed to or haven’t been.

Even though we prepare for spiritual work and ground ourselves after, it can take a little while to integrate and come back around.

Our bodies, hormones and energy fields need to catch up. Hell, our conscious minds can even often need time to catch up and process everything we’ve just experienced.

Though that can feel uncomfortable, maybe even unpleasant, if it happens to you, that doesn’t mean you’ve done something wrong or there’s a problem.

It just means you need to be gentle with yourself as you process what you’ve undertaken and allow your energy to ease back into the energy vibration you’re at.

I also recommend allowing yourself to notice what happens as you move through the process of integration.

After all, the more we know, the more we can prepare next time around. Because let me be clear, though energy hangovers may lessen over time, they don’t stop as you move forward on your Soul journey!

Don’t let that put you off though; each time we move through an energy hangover, it’s a reminder that you have stretched out your energy field and your own inner power a little further than you had before.

It’s a little like what happens when we start a new physical exercise routine – we ache as our muscles and joints get used to the new movements or practices but over time those same parts of us get stronger and more flexible as a result until eventually that initial routine just feels like second nature to us.

When that happens we don’t stop exercising, we simply up the ante – trusting ourselves to go further, get stronger, bend deeper.

It’s much the same when it comes to Soul work and practice; each time we bend deeper, stretch higher or shift heavier it may cause discomfort, but the more frequently we step into that place of power and connection, the easier those ventures will become.

Will we ever escape the energy hangover completely? I don’t know. But the more I’ve learned that the best recovery from a big ritual is sleep, a hearty meal and napping on the sofa with a cheesy movie, the more I’ve come to quite enjoy the balance that downtime brings!

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