July 29, 2023

Why we Celebrate Birthdays in the Buddhist Tradition. ~ Waylon Lewis


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

Buddhism: it isn’t egotistical to celebrate your Birthday. ~ Waylon Lewis

Let this be a little encouragement for you to honor this finite, precious life and every moment in it. As we get older, we tend to ignore birthdays sometimes, or feel egotistical in celebrating ourselves.


Waylon Lewis on Birthdays:

 “Whether life is short or long, every day we have is precious. Mark that preciousness. From a Buddhist point of view, birthdays are sacred. They’re a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, and mark, and honor the passing of time—similar to [what] Robin Williams [talked about] in Dead Poets Society.”

“I wanted to offer a little reminder and a little bit of encouragement. From a Buddhist point of view, honoring impermanence, this precious life, and the opportunity it gives us every day, every minute that we’re here to make use of that life to be of benefit to all sentient beings (including ourself). So on the next birthday you have, let’s put some love into it.”

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Thank you from the bottom of my hard-working big-caring much-breaking-yet-grateful heart. ~ Way

Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

“Dear friends, from a Buddhist point of view, we have an article about how to celebrate your birthday in terms of the Buddhist view that I put together years ago, but you know, it’s considered important to practice meditation to mark this passing of time, to spend the day with others who you love and let this little video, if you watched it, be a little bit of encouragement to do so.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Watch all of Waylon’s full Mindful Monday video series inside our grassroots, ethical home for Walk the Talk Show.

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Want more? Check out last week’s
Mindful Monday episode:

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