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August 30, 2023

Aliens are here…. A poem about out of this world love.

Alien man  you lit a spark inside of me, one that I did not see.

You were so you and I was so me. We both were so naive, why did we not see

That you being you and me being me, the spark between us was so bright it shined a light on my life. Not a crevice unseen in sight. What is seen can not be unseen, what is felt can not be

unfelt. You touched my body, my heart, and my soul. You left and took the light right out of me.

A big gapping dark hole is left where the spark used to be. Alien man can you not see…Can

you not see what you have done to me. You left me without a trace, no sign of you in sight. I have one question for you.. Does your light still shine as bright?…

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