5.9 Editor's Pick
August 28, 2023

“How to save the world & have a good time doing so.” ~ Waylon Lewis with Mindful Monday.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

This week, Waylon talks about how to save the world—which is the subject of every comic book, James Bond movie, all that good stuff—but in a peaceful way without having to shoot people, or cause mayhem.

Can we save the world…and have a good time doing so? Yes.

“We save the world by offering a little discipline and boundaries, but not being a jerk about it. The Buddhist path is to serve the world—not exactly ‘save’ it—but serve the world, be of benefit.

That’s called ‘Tathāgata,’ and then the higher version is ‘Sugata,’ which is to do all that good work of public service, but actually enjoy the path. We tend to take our obstacles seriously and get bogged down in suffering and getting attacked and criticized and struggle—and all of that is real and valid.

But if we can rise above it, we can appreciate the details of this present moment.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

Or, catch this episode as a podcast: 

Want more? Find this full conversation here. 

Watch all of Waylon’s full Mindful Monday video series inside our grassroots, ethical home for Walk the Talk Show. 

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“Every Monday I do a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 


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Want more? Check out last week’s
Mindful Monday episode:


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Image: @waylonlewis/Instagram