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August 27, 2023

Loss Awareness Day: A Clarion Call for Unity in Grief and Loss

As we’ve learned, grief is a relentless and often merciless force. It demands our attention, seizes our moments, and rarely follows a set timetable. Our collective wounds are deep and varied as a nation, but the pain of loss binds us all. We need to acknowledge this pain and respect and understand it.
Loss Awareness Day, celebrated on September 29th, is more than another day crossed off our calendar. Instead, it’s a powerful movement designed to shed light on how we experience loss, foster understanding, and unite our grief-stricken community.
My journey of grief began with the shattering loss of my son. An experience shared by countless grieving mothers worldwide. It reshaped my world, turning me into an observer and a participant in the widespread community of mourners. Lisa Marie Presley’s poignant revelations in a PEOPLE magazine article further cement the reality that grief is universal, affecting every facet of our society.
The Stark Reality of Grief and Loss
Staggering statistics remind us of our collective suffering:
  • Approximately 2.5 million people annually meet their end, leaving behind an estimated 12.5 million grieving family and friends.
  • Over 1.5 million children lose one or both parents before reaching high school.
  • COVID-19 claimed over 1.05 million lives in the U.S.
Behind these numbers are stories, memories, and pain. Yet, as a society, we’ve practiced silence. Loss Awareness Day challenges this silence, giving a voice to the voiceless and advocating for our shared needs.
Broadening Loss
Loss isn’t merely about death. It encompasses ending relationships, losing personal identity, and much more. This trauma hides in plain sight, affecting adults and children and their mental well-being. Now is the time to collectively acknowledge and address this trauma.
True healing begins when we create space for our losses – to honor, acknowledge, and move with them. To transition from the shadows of our pain to a shared healing journey.
Grief: The Untold Stories
Death and grieving are parts of life’s natural cycle, and while they’re uncomfortable to discuss, they are vital topics.
  1. Grief isn’t a phase that fades away. It’s a lifelong journey. There’s no “getting over it” or “moving on.”
  2. Grieving can be an isolating experience. Immediate support often dwindles, leaving many to navigate their pain alone. If you know someone in mourning, reach out. Your gesture might mean more than you can imagine.
  3. Sudden, unnatural, or tragic losses can often cast a shadow of stigma. This becomes profoundly magnified if the loss is of a child. The judgments and silent accusations can be overwhelming.
It’s not about “moving on” but making space for loss. With 1 million signatures, we can get Loss Awareness Day on the calendar, much like Grief Awareness Day, and begin our journeys toward change, healing, and community. On September 29th, we’re transforming our pain into purpose.
Prolonged Grief Disorder and the Complexity of Healing
The realm of grief has recently seen a new addition in the mental health community: the “Prolonged Grief Disorder” (PGD), now recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This diagnosis, intended to understand better and support prolonged mourners, has ignited fervent discussions.
After a loss, PGD is marked by profound mourning, persisting for over six months. While this recognition is a stride towards understanding the myriad ways grief manifests, it’s also crucial to underline that grief is intensely individualistic. Placing a ‘time limit’ can inadvertently pathologize a natural, personal loss experience.
Loss Awareness Day emphasizes the significance of every individual’s unique journey through grief. As we rally behind the cause, it’s also a call to approach newer concepts like PGD with empathy, avoiding unintentional alienation. Our aim? To ensure every grieving soul feels seen, heard, and supported, irrespective of timelines. Every journey, no matter how prolonged, is valid.
On this Loss Awareness Day, let’s amplify our collective voice. For those who’ve lost a loved one, remember that every day is a testament to resilience and remembrance. Let’s extend our compassion and reach out to someone grieving today. Let’s listen to their stories and remember their loved ones. After all, the simple act of talking keeps memories alive.
And before you say, “I can’t imagine what you’re going through,” pause and reflect. Deep. It’s the human experience of love, loss, and life. Let’s stand united and shoulder each other’s burdens today and every day.
Written by The Grief Warrior ® – Author of the 7 Stages of Grief & Award-Winning writer, A Son’s Gift.
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