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August 23, 2023

Not you vs the destination or another. It’s you vs you always.

When I grew up there were two things I wanted to be. An Olympic athlete either in waterpolo or running and or The Prime Minister of Straya Mate. I was running at an international level in my late teens and played at national level in waterpolo too. But when I finished school reality checked in.

I was from a good family but not a wealthy one. I had to work. So the athlete dream went. I wanted to be the Prime Minister because I thought it was actually about making a difference. Helping people. As I got older I learned politics was more of a game then it was about being a good heart. So I let that idea go to. I’m not sure I would have ever made it anyway lol

Now I’m just me. A woman, an ordinary girl, a mum, a yoga teacher, a personal trainer, an author, a human. Nobody knows me when I walk down the street. But I realized one thing our dreams aren’t a destination and our joy doesn’t come from getting to some point. It’s really about us choosing to live our dreams anyway, even if they don’t tick boxes we may have set for accomplishments.

I personally may not be the Olympian I dreamed of. But I’m still pretty stoked at nearly 40 I am doing things like handstands and learning one arm handstands I thought would never be possible for me even in my 20s, and at nearly 40 here I am doing my impossible. Because break impossible down into small steps consistently over the years impossible becomes I’m possible. My other dream of helping people also came true. It may not be on the big scale I hoped but in small random acts of kindness I can make a difference every day to.

It is a great thing to realize that by continuing to show up for ourselves and live our dreams without a destination. We can get a lot of satisfaction and joy too and still achieve amazing things. It’s you vs you always. Not you vs the destination or another.

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