8.2 Editor's Pick
August 11, 2023

“When the Buddha Needs Therapy”: Waylon talks with pal & author Keith Martin-Smith.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Waylon talks with Keith Martin-Smith about being a writer, addressing attachment and ego, his new book, When the Buddha Needs Therapy. As Keith says, no human being can awaken what they can’t see.

“If you think you don’t have shadows or attachment or trauma issues…you probably have really big ones.” ~ Keith Martin-Smith

Read an excerpt of When the Buddha Needs Therapy, here, on Elephant Journal.

“I think that a genuinely Buddhist path, or a genuinely spiritual path, is fundamentally about releasing attachment to story and feeling.

Hard stop.” ~ Keith Martin-Smith

Enjoy a clip of the conversation: 

Or, listen to the clip as a podcast:

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“One of the things I talk about in my book is that is that you always know you’re in problematic behavior as a teacher, or as a student, or just as a human being, if you’re hiding some of your behavior from a large group of people. Or the people closest to you.

Any time I’m hiding what I’m doing, that’s a sign that there’s some shadow play.” ~ Keith Martin-Smith

“Therapy is great and everybody should do therapy. The only trouble is if you’re doing therapy with the goal of ending your suffering. Because it’s not going to do it. You actually need meditation for that. Why? Because for meditation, you actually need to be able to let go of your attachment.” ~ Keith Martin-Smith

Keith is on Instagram; follow here. Check out his website as well for news about his books and coaching.

“I try to encourage people to advocate for themselves and to make sure that when they are seeking transformation and liberation, that they are asking the right kind of person for the right kind of support and wisdom.”
~ Keith Martin-Smith

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Walk the Talk Show episode:


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