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September 25, 2023

Dispassion – the new fuel for our age

Dispassion. I first heard the term when I read Patanjali Yogasutras. An obscure term, I could not understand what it really meant. I mean, like the rest of the world, I have all been for passion. That is what drives every Elon Musk and accomplishment in the world, right?

Guess I was not completely right.

Passion also drives unbridled emotions that can take away mental stability and peace.

The reason behind burnout, ignoring your health, and even emotional distress happens when you are too passionate about someone or something.

This is where dispassion has a role to play. As per Patanjali Yogasutras, dispassion means putting control on one’s desire for sense pleasures. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar calls it not caring for your happiness. Enjoy, but don’t indulge.

To me, it has come out to mean that no matter what; if you get what you want or not, nothing can break your heart. You will continue to exist. Knowing that the life inside you is far more important than any career, life, or relationship goal.

Living with that confidence and clarity is dispassion. It is like protective gear to your passion. Like the salt in chocolate that gives its unique taste.

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