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September 6, 2023


I have had a love I thought was my one true love. I thought I would spend my entire life with this person. When you discover that is not the case, you have to love each other enough to let go. You have to have a real true deep love with yourself to know when you are drowning in love rather than swimming. There are so many other times to get back in the waters. Love has to be just as much intuition as it is intellect.

Still, don’t be afraid to let someone love you for who you are. If you sense the possibility of loving them in return, fear of cultivating your desires, hopes, and dreams simply will keep you from growth. Those are anxieties you can never be sure of until you are in the water to know what it’s like.

So, decide

-if you would like to ease your way in and feel the waters or decide if you want to jump both feet first; then go.

Don’t be afraid to test those waters because life is meant to be lived not feared or regretted. Like stepping into a hot bath that ends up being molten lava, yes, you might get hurt. Those pools you encounter might even be crippling cold. No, there is no guarantee those waters will bring you a life-long love, but life is full of many seasons. If you fear the loves that find you, you could be missing all your seasons you’re meant for. Know that all the things that need to happen before you find your one true love will happen, so let them.

I pointed out to myself before in a journal entry from my private journal that my one true love is out there right now living his life. I would want him to spend that with all the women he needs to find his way to me when the time is right. I want him to live his life to the fullest. He would be glad for those things of me. One day we will share the stories of our pasts with each other. Rather than having not lived our lives fully and happily, we will be gratified to know the things that needed to happen that brought us together.

In the meantime, if you meet a beautiful broken girl, love her. Give her a piece of her life she needs so that she can venture closer to the love of her life even if that is not you; even if that girl is not broken. But don’t take her for granted, especially if she felt brave enough to show you pieces of herself that make her whole. For those girls, they aren’t just available to be the wholeness in your bed or for the warmth of their bodies. They’re there so that you can venture closer to the things you were meant for in your life too. Don’t take those girls for granted because you don’t both have to be whole to fall in love. You don’t have to be whole to equally take away from each other the things you both need to get to the places in life you were really destined for. Ladies same to you, if you find a guy that needs you just as much as you need him.

When you find your other half remember that you both had pasts. Be understanding that those past loves are nothing to envy. Yes, you wish it could have been you holding her at night while she cried; making her smile; providing her deepest passions; but be grateful she was living her life before she found you. She wasn’t just alone and crying on those cold sleepless nights. All her seasons came and went. Now the dawn of her everlasting season with you can begin.

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