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September 17, 2023

spirit’s comfort

Sweet darling,

Be still.




breathe in.

Follow your breath travel from the base of your belly,

expanding it with air that creeps up to your heart,

filling it with support,

stimulating the power of your lungs,

prompting your rib cage to expand.


your life.

Your prana,

your energy.

Dive into your core,

your heart.

Find me there.

Hear the music I play for you,

Sweet melodies of ecstasy and comfort beat steadily,

Feel the vibrations as they swallow you whole.

You have everything you need,

you are right where you are supposed to be.

You are enough, just as you are.

Right here in this moment,

you have enough.

You are living,

you are OK.

You are as whole

as you can be

and as complete

as lapsed time has made you.

I love you, and I hold you in my arms every day.

I protect you from harm,

I radiate your beauty unconditionally.

For you, your spirit, is so very beautiful.  Shine your light, be as you are.

There is only one you in this entire world,

which is the essence of your power.

Ride on the breath’s wave of life,

and in the midst of turmoil, return to stillness.
I’ll meet you there.

The place where ocean waves crash and dance along the shades of blue,

sometimes rapidly racing across the sky,

yet at it’s core,

it’s grounding,

it remains calm.

It remains still.

My hand reaches out for yours.  Lightness overwhelms your blurred vision.  Your tears have soaked through the pores of your cheeks, leaving behind traces of pink.  Your lips begin to simper, softly surrendering to the joy bursting behind them.

You are soul-stripped – your is heart on a platter in front of you.

Spirit dominates ego, painting a portrait of my face, my eyes, beaming into yours.

You see me.

For my home, my life, exists inside of yours.

My love, my spirit,

dwells within your heart.

So be still, my sweetheart

You will find that I am always right here,

waiting for you to close your eyes and see me.

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