New York.
Yes, you guessed it.
That city is New York. Also known by many as “Eww York”.
But let’s not shame those who still live there, who’ve been deceived and programmed to believe it is the place to be if you’re ever going to be anything or anyone.
If you’re ever going to be, well, important.
Because, don’t you know, if you can’t make it there, you’re a failure?
At least, that’s the belief I bought into. Thanks a lot, Frank!
And I agonized because of this lie for over a decade.
News flash, Frank. If New York isn’t the best city for you, you may not “make it” there. But that doesn’t mean you can’t “make it” somewhere else.
Then go back to New York and know…it’s just a place. Seriously. It’s a place. A place that has no bearing on your sense of worth, your value as a person, or your ability to “make it”, which I assume translates to be successful.
In fact, many tortured souls go out of their own consciousness to prove they can make it there.
Hence, it makes me ENRAGED!
Guys! WAKE UP! New York city is the epicenter of evil spirits! Greed, lust, pride, hypocrisy! ALL founded on FEAR, NOT COURAGE!
New York–once a place where Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Annie Hall, and Carrie Bradshaw (yes, I know these are characters) could be weird and quirky without shame–has a newfound energy that will scare you into doing things that are not in alignment with your core values in order to survive there.
At least, that would have been true for me.
I will refrain from projecting.
But, in case this resonates with you, sister (or brother!), please know there is another place for you.
And this other place could be your new chapter.
Your new beginning.
Your pathway to peace.
So, please.
Don’t ignore that voice any longer. Let go of the city of sin. It is OK. You will be OK.
You are brave and courageous. And enjoy the sunshine wherever you end up 🙂
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