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November 4, 2023

One Betrayal

We are witnessing devastating wars, humans upon humans.

We are creating and watching the continuing assault on our mother planet.

The matrix is constructed from our human shadows.

The truth is not one country or another country.

It is not black or white. It does not deny suffering nor celebrate it.

Breaking hearts are being wooed to shore up the armies of separation.

To feel with an open heart and open hand is to burn.

To stay alive in our own heart in the thick of it all, is Life’s oscillation.

Broken-hearted, are you willing to shine the light of awareness through the webs of smoke?

Deep, deep below all the noise is truth.

There are countless ways, many of them as subtle as a whisper,

in which we betray and abandon our precious hearts every day.

Perhaps there is only one ultimate form of betrayal,

playing out through billions of expressions and relational dynamics.

Everyone can see who they’re supposed to be.

It’s the readiest grief in the world. – Andrea Gibson

As we die into truth,

as we slip off the overcoats of this life and that life

and this story and that story,

as we die into what is before everything

there is only one, knowing itself.

Are we willing to release the sticky grasp of blame and judgment

and just feel the full fire of being alive?

Are we here for our heart?

Whatever occurs in our relationships and our outer world,

are we here for our own soul?

Are we here for the truth of God?

When we do not choose freedom, courage, interconnection, love and care,

somewhere we are betraying our innate essence.

When we do not choose Life,

it never betrays us.

It never turns its face.

It knows no betrayal.

Life has our back.

Life uplifts us,

as it will crush us to the earth too,

to know what is true.

Life is Love and Love is truth.

This you can rely on.

Turn to the Lover that has no face and every face.

The hand of Life will hold our pulsing heart

through its last beat

and into the chasm of everything.

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