December 16, 2023

2024 Reset: Gentle Reminders & Affirmations for the Year Ahead.

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.” ~ T.S. Eliot


2023 is ending. Feels a bit too soon, eh? Or maybe not!

When a year starts to come to an end, it’s the time to slow down, reflect on how the year has been, and think a little about how you would like the coming year to be.

Of course, you can’t predict how things are going to turn out. Life will have its own plans for you. But that shouldn’t stop you from thinking, hoping, wishing, and wanting.

2023 would have been good for some, and for others, it may have been not so great or may have been a mixed bag as well. While we don’t know what the coming year will be like, it’s still important to look back and learn from everything that happened and move ahead with faith that the coming year will help you to grow and become better with each passing day. It will give you opportunities to smile, laugh, create, slow down, and keep coming closer to your vision for yourself in every possible way.

As we come closer to the new year, I want you to take a moment and remind yourself that:

>> No matter how hard this year has been for you, you’re still standing strong and that means something.

>> Maybe you couldn’t achieve a lot of things that you wanted to. Yet, you did achieve some things and you deserve to celebrate your wins—no matter how small.

>> Hope and faith need to be the driving forces that propel you forward. When you feel overwhelmed with the thought of what’s to come, remember to have faith. You came this far, you’ll make it through as well.

>> Even though life felt out of control so many times, you managed well.

Above all, I want you to remember that what is truly meant for you will find its way to you. You just need to sit tight and as you do all of that, don’t forget to remind yourself that your true power lies within you and not outside of you. The more you tune in, the better you’ll be able to navigate life’s twists and turns.

Therefore, it’s time to welcome the new year with:

Reflection: Look back at the year gone by and think about all the good things that happened along with the lessons that 2023 has been offering you. It’s time to take them into the new year to become a better version of you. Ask yourself, “What did 2023 teach me about me and my life?”

Intention: It’s not about making to-do lists, resolutions, and plans. Rather, it’s about asking yourself, “How do I want to show up for myself in 2024?” “How do I want to feel about myself and my life?” “What changes am I willing to make?”

Gratitude: No matter how challenging 2023 may have been, it also worked some things out for you. What were they? Think about all the support you got that helped you to tide over some tough moments.

Letting go of what couldn’t be: Focus on what can be. Ask yourself, “What am I holding onto?”

Embracing change because it is inevitable: There’s no point in fighting it. Welcome the new year with open arms. Don’t drown yourself in a sea of questions about the new year. Just flow while you hold your intention for yourself close to your heart.

And once again I can hear the song “Que Sera Sera” playing at the back of my mind. No one knows what the future holds; it’s not for us to see. Our job is to be.

As this year ends, a lot of things will end too and those endings will allow something new to begin. We simply need to embrace what’s to come with open arms.

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering ‘it will be happier’…” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

Here are some affirmations that you can take with you into the new year. Let me know which one you’d choose!

1. “I am ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that the New Year brings.”

2. “I release all that no longer serves me and welcome new experiences with an open heart.”

3. “I am surrounded by love, joy, and positivity, and I attract all that is good into my life.”

4. “I am grateful for the lessons of the past year and use them to grow and improve.”

5. “I let go of fear and doubt, and I step into the New Year with courage and self-assurance.”

6. “I choose to focus on the present moment and savor the joy and beauty that each day brings.”


“I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” ~ Juansen Dizon


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author: Damini Grover

Image: bilal andırın/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef