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December 11, 2023

Against the Tide: A Lone Voice in a Sea of Indifference

Waking up with a hangover this morning, my mind was a whirlpool of last night’s memories. Each flashback was like a jolt – the free bar, my escalating anger, and finally, tears. Embarrassing? Absolutely. But my fury was, and still is, justified.

The evening began unassumingly enough. A friend invited me to a swanky bank event on the island, a gathering of the financial elite. I tagged along without any intention of causing a stir. But then, a few glasses deep into the wine, I spotted the bank president and my ex-husband’s lover. Their smug faces were a trigger, catapulting me back to a painful chapter in my life.

Years ago, my parents had set up a special account for my daughter at this bank, believing it to be a safe haven for her future. With my ex working there, it seemed like the prudent choice. But during our bitter divorce, it emerged that the account had been drained – a shocking betrayal facilitated by the bank’s lax policies.

Fast forward to last night, I was in the heart of the institution that enabled this betrayal. When an employee started boasting about their children’s account services, I couldn’t hold back. My questions and accusations were not well-received, and I soon became the subject of scornful whispers.

In a moment of vulnerability, as I was labelled “the whiny mother lamenting her lost money,” I broke down. My outburst and departure from the party were met with cold indifference. In their eyes, I was the irrational one, the troublemaker unable to handle her emotions.

Reflecting on this, I see a disturbing pattern. Those in positions of power often stand behind a veil of calm and composure, using it as a shield against accountability. In contrast, those wronged, when they dare to speak up, are quickly labeled as irrational or overreactive. It’s a narrative as old as time, but no less unjust.

In sharing my story, I want to highlight this skewed dynamic. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the calmest faces hide the most culpability, and the loudest voices are simply seeking justice in a world quick to silence them.

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