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December 29, 2023

Don`t be a snail

I have always been fascinated by people who genuinely believe in something. Whether it is in environmental issues, in animal welfare, helping out in society in some way, or in art etc.

They go ALL in. I love it! What makes people so determined?

Most of us just take one day at a time and don`t engage in things that matter to the society or the world. We are busy, we tell ourselves. We have enought with our day-to-day lives.

When I was a child I was engaged in the WWF, World Wide Fund for Nature. I read all their magazines and articles about the environment and animal welfare. I then wrote letters that I sent to the Norwegian prime minister at the time. I told her what she should do to help animals and the environment. I must have been 10 years old. But I did believe that my voice counted, and that is pretty cool to think about. I also received letters in return from the prime ministers office.

When I grew up, my father was strict and expected alot from me. He was born during world war 2 and was used to fend for himself. We lived in a large house with a huge garden, and I got used to getting up each weekend and clean the whole house and do chores in the garden together with my siblings. We did alot compared to other kids we knew, but we got used to it. My father was strict yes, but he taught me some valueable lessons:

  • Depend on yourself
  • Get things done
  • You can do things if you have the will and determination

And he always told me:

“Some people go through life like a snail. They drag themselves through life and let circumstances determine how life turns out. Don`t be a snail. Take charge of your life”.

As an adult I really appreciate those words, because I have indeed taken charge of my life and the choices I have made.

But back to those people who are engaged and really believe in something…. What do they have that those people who just drag themselves through life are missing?

A passion?

A purpose?

A belief?

A meaning in what they do?

Most likely all of the above. Why is it important for us humans to have a purpose in life? According to a study done in 2010 by Applied Psychology, having a purpose in life leads to a longer, healthier, wealthier life. And who would not want that?

A purpose is the reason for which something is done or created. Our purpose does not need to be grandiose, it only needs to be meaningful for us. This fuels us and makes us keep going and believing.

So, what I mean is; if something makes sense to you and gives you a purpose, then do it. As long as it does not hurt anyone, you can follow your passion and do what gives your life meaning. Not everyone will understand, and that is fine. They don`t need to understand your WHY. Why you choose to live your life as you do and prioritise as you do.

We all have our story. Our baggage with experiences, good and bad. Which again makes us who we are. We make choices from our past experiences alot of times.

I joined a meeting not long ago where we discussed pension and how important it is to save up money for our retirement. I sat there and did not agree on everything that was said, because….. my experience is that my mother died when she was 47 years old. That is almost my age. It is not certain that I will get old and need a retirement plan and saved up money….

What if I instead want to spend my money and not think about retirement? I said this to the other people at the table and they just looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone should think about these things, so that you are secure when you get old etc.

If you believe in something, go after it, no matter what other people say. And remember, don`t be a snail. Go after what you want in life.

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