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December 15, 2023

How can simple Spiritual Processes help individuals overcome Self-doubt and achieve greater Confidence?

It is normal to experience feelings of self-doubt when we are faced with new or challenging situations in life. Self-doubt is when one feels uncertain regarding one or more aspects of the self. It often stems from some previous negative experiences that one has had.

Self-doubt is something that we all may have experienced at some point or the other in our life. It is what we do with it and how we cope with it that makes a massive difference between struggling with self-doubt or learning and growing.

Spiritually speaking, when a person’s ego is excessive (above a certain level); one tends to lack self-confidence, which means that self-doubt has crept in.

So, the spiritual processes that help individuals overcome self-doubt could be listed as follows:

  • Attain Self-Realization

When one gets the real knowledge, that person turns around, meaning makes a U-turn in his/her life.

What is real knowledge?

It is to know who I really am and who is the doer in this world.

And the answer to these can be easily found through Akram Vignan, in a matter of two hours only, when the Living Gnani Purush, the enlightened being, puts in a line of separation between the real Self (the Soul) and the worldly self (John — please insert your name here) and graces us with the real knowledge of the Self.

After Self Realisation, with the awareness that, ‘I am a pure Soul’, we are able to overcome self-doubt very quickly by keeping the one with self-doubt separate.

  • Stay Positive

Following the attainment of Self-realisation, one’s life naturally takes a turn towards positivity. One starts to see things positively, interacts with people on a positive note, and one overall experiences positivity in their life.

The principle is such that by staying positive, we attract positive evidences into our life which boost our confidence and help us move ahead. On the other hand, by doubting ourselves or thinking negative about self, we attract obstructions on our own path of progress.

  • Remain in the company of Gnani

Gnani is the beacon light that lights our path and gets us out of the darkness of ignorance, negativity, self-doubt, etc. So, let’s remain in the company of Gnani, follow his guidance and advice, and apply his prescribed practical solutions; and there you go… this will certainly put us on the road of confidence.

The one who has confidence in his own self can achieve anything in this world!

Yes, have confidence and success shall be yours!

The above spiritual processes hold enormous power to bring about a positive transformation within as they help one gradually transcend from the state of self-doubt to a confident frame of mind, and thus allows one to live a happy life, oozing with self-confidence.

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