I want to withdraw, retract, fold into myself, in my own little cocoon.
I want to spend time with myself, hang out with myself, with my own heart.
I want to lie in bed and read a book, drink tea or coffee alone while I sit on my floor and stretch or write or simply breathe.
I want to go out into nature, breathe in fresh air, and connect to the world around me.
I want to walk and run and meditate and do yoga and work out and rest and watch a good show or movie and I want to do nothing at all.
I want to be in the moment.
I want to be in stillness, feel my breath and my body and see the thoughts and continue to sit there, silently, with myself, observing it all.
I want to look around and within and observe and feel and experience and understand.
I want to soften, release, and surrender.
I want to be with my experiences, allow them to unfold around and through me, allow insight to arise within me.
I want awareness to blossom within me.
I want to soften, breathe, and connect—to myself, to my heart, to the moment.
I want to be in the moment.
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