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December 26, 2023

What if our traumas are the way to access our dreams?

The German word traum has nothing to do with trauma even if the pronunciation is the same except for the missing “a”. And actually, it surprisingly means dream.

When I was living in Berlin and learning German, that specific word made me think a lot. At first, it seemed to be very controversial, how dream could be spoken in another language with a word very similar to trauma?

After years of personal development and healing, I started to see that linguistic occurrence in a new light and thought:

What if our traumas are the way to access our dreams?

Our traumas can be like a stairway to heaven and they can be tough, challenging, and devastating, but then, if we grasp their true essence and, we take advantage of it, we will feel the worth of every single damn step of this long and slippery stairs which we would never have imagined could conduct us to live our heaven on earth, but it does!

I think evil is necessary; how would we otherwise know what it’s good without its counterpart?

How would we know what freedom means if we don’t experience first to feel stuck or trapped?

How would we value freedom if we would never be placed in the position of needing that?

How would we know who truly loves us if we had never experienced someone who didn’t?

What if traumas are there to give us opportunities to really learn the skills we need to get what we want?

I want to give you some examples of the meaning behind traumas/negative experiences and what types of skills you can develop from them.

The experience of abandonment can bring you to develop the ability to be there for yourself, to be able to count on yourself and to discover how to access true self-love.

The experience of rejection can bring you to develop the ability to accept yourself, learn how to be authentically yourself, how to believe in yourself, and how to overcome the need for approval.

The experience of sickness can bring you to awake within your power of self-healing, to learn what is a good lifestyle for you and what is not, to develop the ability to overcome conflicts (internal and external), and the ability of resilience.

The experience of loss and scarcity can bring you to unlock tremendous gratitude, appreciation, and to discover how to create abundance in your life.

These are just a few examples, but as you can see, all those abilities once acquired are improving drastically your life and make many things possible for you, only because you developed those abilities/skills.

So negative experiences and traumas can really turn into blessings because without them we would not receive the opportunity to acquire all the abilities to create the life we want.

Everything starts from within, but without the external circumstances to trigger us, how would we be able to start it? We wouldn’t, because we develop what we need not what we don’t. So probably now you can start to see that evil is necessary to bring us in that uncomfortable position, to be then in need to develop certain abilities so necessary to reach our dreams in life.

What is really traumatizing us? The experience itself or our perception of it?

And what if the perception shifts because we are learning something from it?

Once you grasp the message behind it, that experience is not having power over you, instead, you will feel empowered by it.

Not grasping the underlying potential of that negative situation is what keeps us from healing, as it keeps us in the trauma.

Every negative experience can become a trauma if we don’t understand how to interpret it.

The trick is, you will probably not understand the meaning of that immediately.. You will probably need time, because the negative emotions will be too strong and you will feel pain, so, how to do that?

Here comes in the scene a very powerful thing that if we miss it can’t really do without it, and which plays probably the most important role ever in everyone’s life: Faith.

I’m not talking about religious faith, well, can also be religious, but not necessarily. Faith is something that goes beyond every religion. Faith is probably the true essence of every human being and of life itself.

We can’t do anything without it, even if we don’t know we have it.

Want a proof that you have faith? Answer the following questions.

Who gives you the certainty that if you walk in the street you will arrive at your destination in one piece and safe?

Nobody does.

Who gives you the certainty that the ground under your feet will not fall apart on your next step?

Nobody does.

Who gives you the certainty that you would not flip and fall when you dance to that song you love?

Nobody does.

So, why do you walk every day?

Why do you go out?

Why do you dance?

You do that because you have faith (even if you never thought so).

Life itself and everything in life is a pure act of faith.

When we are pessimistic, we feel lost, and can’t cope with a situation, it’s because we “lost” faith, or at least we think to have lost it.

How can we lose something that is our true essence?

Life’s essence is faith, being alive is an act of faith, so how can we lose it? We can’t, but the pain sometimes is so strong that it numbs everything else and we can’t remember what it means to have faith.

Faith is the biggest antidote to fear, faith is what makes us give time, acceptance, patience, and what makes us proceed in life. Having faith makes us understand hidden meanings, heal traumas, and overcome anything.

Faith is probably the most magic superpower we are donated of.

But faith in who? Or in what? Can’t tell you that, it’s your job to find out.

You can have faith in the Universe, in God, in Mother Nature, in the Energies, in the Angels, in Yourself, in Humanity, in your Intuition, in your pet, in a loved one, in everything you feel is right for you. It doesn’t have to be a mainstream belief; it can be even your own, but make it be.

Faith is that bridge between pain and healing, between obstacles and success, between darkness and light, between you and love, between you and the world, between you and everything you want, and everything you do.

So, next time you are in pain, or you feel lost, or hopeless or you are frustrated about your trauma responses you can take a deep breath and remind yourself that, inside of you lies this powerful force that connects you to everything and that gives you the superpower to change things, to heal, to prosper, to thrive and to create the meaningful, magical and magnificent life you are meant to live!

And remember that the evil, negative experiences, traumas, and down moments are just there to bring you closer to the light, to make you shine like the beautiful divine spark you are.

Approaching the end of the year, I invite you to approach it as the end of an era, thinking about all the difficulties you have been through this year and in the past years. Feel grateful for everything you learned and embodied from that negative time, and understand that even in that very low, desperate moment, you were still thriving and getting closer to your dreams.

Now you can approach the new year lighthearted and feel empowered from your past to create the wildest and biggest dreams of your future!

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