January 26, 2024

Chef Vasta on Vegan/Plant-Based, Mindful Cooking Tips {+ Recipe} with Waylon.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In this episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, Rwandan Chef Vasta Muhimpundu of Iwacu Flavors talks with Waylon about vegan cooking tips. 

“I mean, eventually, I think everyone should cook for themselves, but now not everybody can. But I think people can be inspired to try.” ~ Vasta Muhimpundu

“Cook with love. Do not rush cooking. Cooking is not meant to be rushed—and I think that’s something Americans do in general. No: take your time.” ~ Vasta Muhimpundu

A clip of our conversation: 

*Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.
Or listen to the podcast: 

“How you cut vegetables for flavors and for look does matter because being vegan, you gotta eat delicious food that looks good.” ~ Vasta Muhimpundu

“Vegan bacon? Is there a vegan pig out there? I don’t know. But I think it’s a matter of words being very powerful. I think in general, we should be trying to be proud and call it what it is. Names that actually describe what we are cooking and eating. Because I think if you keep saying ‘bacon, bacon, vegan bacon’ then when are we going to actually make vegan food that’s just vegan?”  ~ Vasta Muhimpundu

In the full video, Vasta and Waylon continue the conversation about simple cooking tips for plant-based, vegan health and dining, including taking our time while cooking rather than rushing through the process:

Find the Full conversation, here.

Curious about the cabbage, tomato, and carrot recipe Vasta mentions in the video? Check it out: 


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Follow Vasta here and learn more about her offerings.

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Want more? Check out last week’s
Walk the Talk Show episode:


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Image: Vasta Muhimpundu/Author's Own

Image: @iwacuflavors/Instagram