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January 26, 2024

Leo Full Moon: Astrology Believes in You

Moon in Leo, Sun in Aquarius

The Full Moon has arrived, and this time, in keeping with Aquarius and doing things differently, I’m sharing my story about how I found Astrology and incorporated it into my entire career as a psychotherapist. Why? Because I want you to fall in love with Astrology and come take our classes. The doors are open NOW, and we only have the school available twice a year. This is your opportunity to study with us.

In honor of this creative Full Moon in Leo, here is my story:

It’s 1967, I am 10 years old, and I am skimming through the cartoon section of the Detroit News. My eyes fell upon an ad for an “Astrology” chart. Don’t ask me how, but I sent my information away to some company to get my chart done. I had no idea what I was signing up for, nor did I know what a chart was, but I did it.

I unconsciously, instantly, responded to my favorite word: Astrology. I ordered the chart, I asked my mom for a check, it arrived at my Oak Park, Michigan address, and voila, my fascination began.

Next, I am 15, it’s 1972. I’m dropped off at the local bookstore, where I make a beeline to the Astrology section. I see a book called Know Your Moon. The book included an index in the back so that you could look up the date and year you were born, revealing the position of the Moon for that day.

In true Gemini fashion, I moved in with a large group of teenage friends. Immediately, I looked up everyone’s Moon position. Of course, I knew all of their birth dates; that’s how my “operating system” worked. To this day, I still have memorized so many of their placements. Isn’t it crazy that I can recite at least half a dozen of their names and Moons by memory? My obsession began—the emergence of an Astrologer.

My Mercury is in Taurus, which describes someone who can easily remember numbers, details, and memories that will not go away, even when you want them to. Some facts come in that never go away. For example, Susie Shamie, my best friend at 13, was a double Gemini. See what I mean – why do I know that?

After my friends, of course, I quickly looked up the Moon placements for my parents, my brothers, and anyone else who was interested.

Next, I am 19 years old, it’s 1976, and I met my first professional Astrologer. I am in a New Age bookstore in Eugene, Oregon, where I had come to visit a cousin. I distinctly remember the Nag Champa incense burning. The walls were stacked with endless books. The store was laced with crystals and, of course, an endless array of books on my favorite topic: Astrology.

I was thrilled when I found out a real Astrologer was on their staff and she was available for readings. And so, here we go with my first reading.

She wore large earrings and a hippie skirt and smelled like patchouli. She was older, with the wisdom to depart. She began by talking about me, about dancing, comparing my chart to Isadora Duncan. (I had no idea who Isadora Duncan was. Apparently, Isadora was a famous dancer who had died way too young.) She is a wild example of a woman who let her artist out with full abandon. You can imagine my shock when the Astrologer saw the dancer in me right at the start.

What she didn’t know was that I was about to go off to an Ivy League school, the University of Michigan, in mere months to study as a dance major. This very powerful download from an entire stranger ignited my fascination even more. She added that my chart strongly suggested that I could be an Astrologer when I grew up – she was awfully good because that’s exactly what happened!

We never know destiny’s intention when she’s going to imprint a fascination into your brain that captures your attention and pushes you into a bookstore to meet a fated teacher. Divine impulses arrive, describing what you will do for the rest of your life. Destiny is discrete and not demanding. For some, destiny talks way too softly. This is where Astrology is most needed – for those who feel “lost” as if destiny never came to their house. 

You can bet destiny really liked me. Because here it is almost 50 years later, destiny and I have become super close. Truth be told, I have never tired of looking up Astrology charts, continually studying the stars daily, and remaining so curious about YOU. She got me alright. There are more stars in our sky than anyone can count. Think about it, all those shiny objects above our heads screaming our names: Hey you, look up, we are here, our influence wants to romance you. Remind you of what you are doing on that blue ball. 

Well, I heard that call, I fell in love with those tools of destiny, and I want you to fall in love, too. There are truth tellers that have a language all their own, longing for your attention.

Destiny literally put my hands on that cartoon section and showed me that book as a teenager. Then it directed me to go to that bookstore, all before I knew anything about the career that would set me apart and make me an authority on the topic.

Once I fall in love, like I did with the stars, then I am super loyal, said my Mercury in Taurus – I stay the course. I am one of those personality types that must follow through no matter the obstacle. So it should come as no surprise that whoever tried to deter me couldn’t, starting with my dad, who thought I was kidding when I said I wanted to be an Astrologer. 

He laughed out loud. “No daughter of mine who went to graduate school is going to play with that crazy, charlatan word: Astrologer.” He was not unlike my professor in graduate school, who desperately tried to discourage me when I said I wanted to research mental illness and the aspects of chronic patients and their charts. “And their what?” he said.

No amount of discouragement could get in the way of my intention. Destiny was driving me and backing me. There was an obsession operating in my head and heart. It’s no wonder I started a podcast in 2022 called The I Don’t Believe in Astrology Podcast. I cannot tell you how many people I have met in my life, friends, dates I was on, business wo/men who, when I say I am an Astrologer, say: “Well, I don’t believe In that stuff.” 

I would often answer: I don’t believe in it either; it believes in us. You don’t have to believe in Astrology or God for it to be real, useful, grounding, and healing. 

I have come to realize that my destiny line was not interested in what I wanted – it simply reminded me of what I had signed up for. My passion was burning all the way back there when I was 10 years old. Just like the Sun burning for 4.6 billion years, it has no need for approval or agreement; it just burns. Those stars have a mind of their own.

We depend on that giant Sun, that shiny star. We can totally depend on the Sun’s arrival tomorrow. And I can totally depend on my love affair with all things Astrology today. That’s why you are reading this now. It has never stopped, never will. It is inspired by destiny, supported by my soul…I want to do the same for you. Remind you of your destiny, your soul’s promise, and watch you get to that which will set your heart on fire.

And in the end, I trust when I meet the council on the other side, they will tell me: Job well done. Maybe in my next life, I can come back as a doula, for the times of birth and death.

I have already signed up for my next assignment, to learn on Earth how to walk between worlds. To get so closely acquainted with death and its many doors that I am fearless. To understand the miracle of birth and be the midwife for that moment. With birth or death, that’s where you will find me next. But not yet…we still have stars to talk about.

In the depth of the night, with your hand on your heart, let me remind you of what you signed up for. It is that time on Earth, for all of us – as it comes to the end of a cycle that we must learn to face. It’s simple: just look up and trust. It’s all a divine plan. Birth, death, and the stars will remain across all time.

Come study Astrology with us in my Applied Astrology school and learn to step into your destiny and fall in love with your fate. The doors are open!

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