4.9 Editor's Pick
January 13, 2024

Should we have Children in an age of Climate Crisis? ~ Waylon Lewis


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“Every Monday, I offer a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

In this week’s Mindful Monday video and podcast, Waylon offers his thoughts on the question weighing on the minds of many young-ish environmentally-conscious folks these days: should we have children in an age of climate crisis when the reality of our future looks incredibly unstable and uncertain?

Read the article Waylon references inside the video >> When folks say “don’t have kids bc of Climate Change,” I ask if they’ve seen the first scene of Idiocracy.

“Should we have children in an age of climate crisis? My answer, from a Buddhist point of view, and from an environmental point of view, both, is: maybe. It’s yes…if we can have children who will actively care.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Your Mindful Monday Video:

“It’s actually a positive thing for our future to have children and raise children—if we can imbue some genuine inspiration around caring for our planet.” ~ Waylon Lewis


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