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January 2, 2024

The Soul Unmasked: Exploring the Core of Our Existence and our Authentic Self

As humans, we experience an innate yearning to understand the essence of life, to embark on a quest for truth that extends beyond the mundane and penetrates deep into the heart of our being. This journey pushes us to look within and peel away the layers of the self, until our true core – our soul – is laid bare, unveiling our authentic selves.

In contrast to the soul, our personality often acts as a mask, built through societal influences and expectations, concealing our true nature from others and even ourselves. This mask can offer protection and comfort, but it also keeps us disconnected, unaligned with our soul, leading to a perpetual longing for something genuine and true. Authenticity requires courage to reveal and live in our unmasked soul, stripped of the facades and unburdened by the expectations of society.

Taking off the mask involves delving deep into our consciousness, exploring the emotional and psychological depths to identify the motivations and patterns that have shaped our thoughts and behaviors. As we peel away these layers, we unveil an inner sanctuary, our soul, which holds the answers to our most profound questions of existence.

Nurturing our relationship with this soul requires consistent attention and practice, balancing our authentic self with the needs and demands of the world. Our soul becomes the compass that guides us through life’s challenges, illuminating our path towards self-acceptance, peace and happiness.

Confronting the dichotomy between our soul and the external mask we wear can be daunting, yet it’s an essential endeavor on the path to self-realization. It’s a journey of bravery, vulnerability and unceasing self-reflection, a pursuit that ultimately leads us to embrace the authentic core of our existence, and live a life deeply connected to our true selves.

These unmasked souls, free from the chains of persona, can now flourish, creating a harmonious and fulfilling existence, anchored in the depths of our genuine nature.

“Heal the soul first; then the healing of the mind and body will follow” ~ Zhi Gang Sha

Here are various samples of various people that are all fear-driven and not able to live authentically to who they really are. In bringing to light what we subconsciously are afraid of, we are then able to start to heal and live a purposely, joyous life. We ALL have fears/defenses…. do you know what yours are?

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Lisa Kuimjian, M.A. Jungian Psychology  |  Contribution: 2,875