January 22, 2024

This one’s Especially for you, White Males. ~ Waylon Lewis

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“Every Monday, I offer a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

In this week’s Mindful Monday video and podcast, Waylon discusses something that many of us (ironically) talk a lot about, but perhaps don’t act upon.

For more depth, read the article Waylon references inside the video >> 6 Points of Mindful Speech.

“I wanted to talk about listening. I think a lot of people have a weird idea about conversations and listening. Listening and talking can be give and take. It doesn’t have to be a monologue while you listen. It can be a conversation, naturally flowing.

Instead of feeling like you are trying to get your words in—you’re not listening, you’re just trying to talk, trying to think about what you want to say. You can have an open mind and let conversation naturally rise—ebb and flow, back and forth.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Your Mindful Monday Video:

“An ex-girlfriend of mine, Cate, once told me that they did a study where white males in meetings talk far more than anyone else. It’s actually incredibly important in meetings to, if you’re a talker—guilty—to talk last if we’re asked a question, to try to platform others.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

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Want more? Check out last week’s Mindful Monday:


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