January 30, 2024

Why I Started a Flower Farm.

I have had enough of coaching!

At one point, I felt that it was my lifelong passion—my calling—but after coaching many clients for only a few years, I realized I am over people.

I can no longer handle the chronic issues (most of them self-imposed by horrible decision making), the victim mentality, the negativity and problems, the constant complaining, the loves that were lost, the trauma from a bad childhood. It was all too consuming.

From this experience, I have learned there are only two types of people: ones who want to change and do things differently, and well, those who don’t. The majority rules: most people do not want to get better.

People like patterns and most people are comfortable in the misery that they have created. They create an identity around their trauma, their narcissistic boyfriend or husband, their alcoholism or addiction, or whatever their issues are, and therefore their complete dysfunction is what defines them.

Few people actually want to change.

So you end up on a constant roller-coaster of dysfunction with them, frustrated by their lack of effort they put into making changes that they say they so badly want but their actions prove differently.

I am not one to milk someone week after week, charging them to have the same conversation over and over with no end in sight. I am someone who likes to see progress, who likes to experience the energy I am pouring into something have an actual outcome. I thrive off resolution, change, forward thinking, and self-discovery.

I am not someone who likes to fail and nine times out of ten, I felt like a failure. Multiple conversations had in different ways, about the same topic, all leading to the same result: no change.

So, I took off my coaching hat and took a deep dark look at what I wanted to do with my life.

My biggest passion is gardening. It brings me peace, satisfaction, luxury, beauty, and comfort all at once. I can escape when I am gardening. I can see the fruits of all my hard labor and know that the energy I put into these beautiful gardens, seeds, plants, vegetables, and herbs will be worth it. That energy produces something magical, even if only temporarily. It is tangible.

So, now I embark on my next adventure—and I am excited to see where it takes me.


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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: cottonbro studio/pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson