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January 14, 2024

You don’t need a vision board

You don’t fully realise what keeps you going every day until you lose it. In the modern developed world, we have come to take it for granted that we need certain things in our lives in order to show up joyfully. 

When our finances, jobs, relationships or other aspects of our lives begin to fray or dissolve altogether, we can even experience a total inner collapse. We can develop negative attitudes that we justify continuously by pointing at our circumstances. Beyond the course of natural grief or anger, there can lie a very simple truth: We haven’t quite learned that we are worth the effort on our own.  

In the information age, it is easy to find a new meaningful cause, goal or dream. Many of the posts and articles in the spiritual space are pointing to manifesting or attracting. All these suggest we need more: partners; relationships; talents; jobs; dreams; homes; cars; money. 

Our minds are always looking for something exciting and promising. But the pursuit of a seemingly worthy goal can sometimes hide from us the simple truth: That deep down we are actually not doing so well. 

And while part of loving ourselves is taking care of the external aspects of our lives, such as financial stability, the simple truth is that we tend to find it easier to get going if we have an external goal that feeds our excitement or need for meaning. But what if YOU are enough? 

When the external reasons for excitement are removed or we become disenchanted with the external reality, something excellent happens: Our ability to source inner strength, resolve, and joy is exposed. In this emptiness, we can discover how we honour and dishonour ourselves. Our sense of worthiness is exposed.

Throughout our lives, we might hope that others find us special, exciting, worthy, and loveable. So worthy that they would be willing to change everything for us. Maybe we even imagine that someone sees us for one brief moment and can never forget us. We long to be loved unconditionally, fully, at our worst as well as at our best.

But the real question is: do we love ourselves in this way? Do we find ourselves worthy enough to enjoy the life pulsating through us without the promise of glitter, pots of gold and rainbows? Can we simply treasure the gift that we are?

It is helpful to think about purpose, meaning and creating a highly-vibrational life.  But when old aspects of our lives dissolve or disappoint us, what we need more than a vision board or a new goal is the willingness to dive deeply within our hearts, souls and minds.

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