March 1, 2024

10 Ram Dass Quotes that will Touch Your Heart.

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Few contemporary spiritual figures touch my heart the way Ram Dass can.

After I read his book, entitled, Ram Dass Words of Wisdom: Quotations From One of the World’s Foremost Spiritual Teachers, I understood, ever so clearly, why he earned the accolades that he did as a profound witness of the human condition and transmitter of heartfelt communication.

Born Richard Alpert on April 6, 1931, in Boston, Massachusetts, he went on to earn a PhD in Psychology from Stanford University in in 1951. Not long after, he became a research psychologist and professor at Harvard.

Eventually, however, Dass’ time at Harvard University came to an end after a colleague introduced him to the world of psychedelics, which purportedly altered his entire perspective on life and opened him up to a new way of perceiving and relating to the world in and around him.

Leaving his job as a researcher and teacher at an academic institution opened space for him to travel to India in 1967. There, he met his own guru by the name of Maharaj-ji. A follower of what is called the Bhakti path of selfless devotion, Dass was heavily influenced by the philosophy of this man.

After nearly a year of reading dense spiritual and philosophical texts, Ram Dass’ words provided a much necessary warm welcome to me. In his simplicity, he is nevertheless deep and impacting. This is a book I have come to treasure among many others.

The quotes I have chosen highlight the most sacred teachings of this brilliant man whilst showing us the value of cutting through the superficiality of the human experience and seeing to the heart of the matter.

So, without further hesitation, I present to you 10 of my favorite quotes by Ram Dass himself:

1. “When you’re identified with awareness, you’re no longer living in a world of polarities. Everything is present at the same time.”

2. “When you know how to listen, everybody is the guru, speaking to you.”

3. “Within the spiritual journey, you understand that suffering becomes something that has been given to you to show you where your mind is still stuck.”

4. “Through an open heart, you hear the universe.”

5. “Once you understand what awakening is about, every act of your life becomes a vehicle to become aware, and the meaning of life changes.”

6. “Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.”

7. “Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.”

8. “The beginning of wisdom comes from the capacity to look at what is.”

9. “You can’t push away the world. You have to enter it fully to become free.”

10. “The most exquisite paradox: As soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can’t have it. The minute you don’t want power, you’ll have more than you ever dreamed possible.”

And a short video:


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