March 4, 2024

Creating our Own Path is the Hardest Thing we’ll Do.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

Following our own path is certainly not easy.

There’s a reason why people sit in the comfort zone for their entire lives.

Following our path includes listening to our inner voice and guidance as a compass, and it follows a very different map. The expectations of others do not belong on this map.

Following our path involves a unique set of trials and tribulations that bring us down to the depths of ourselves, where we will be wildly unprepared to meet what we find.

This is mostly because our life does not prepare us for how to meet our Self.

Instead, our societal programming prepares us to stay in our comfort zone and become an obedient civil servant.

For those who veer off the well-made path and decide to carve out your own path, know that your struggle does not mean failure.

You have to remember that you are doing work that has not been done before.

What you are doing is hard.

Creating new paths is hard.

Alchemy is hard.

There will be many moments of doubt and uncertainty.

There will be many days of grief and total collapse.

There will be many nights of tears and hopelessness.

But after every moment, after every break down, after every trial and error you encounter along the way, you will find that the spark within you will blaze once again and you will forge through, with greater purpose and determination.

So my dear ones, if you are in a place of sorrow right now, rest easy. Spend time nurturing your spirit.

This isn’t a time to move forward.

This is a time to sit in the stillness of your ache and hold it with love, kindness, and deep compassion.

You will regenerate and you will once again rise from those ashes.

This is the path of the way-showers.


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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Giuseppina Barberi  |  Contribution: 4,480

author: Giuseppina Barberi

Image: Orhan Pergel/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron