March 7, 2024

Embracing Sobriety: My Personal Journey to Stop Drinking.

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I decided to quit drinking in 2019 because I recognized the profound negative impact it was having on every aspect of my life.

The moments of temporary relief alcohol provided were overshadowed by a continuous cycle of vicious consequences—strained relationships, missed opportunities, and a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction.

Quitting became a conscious choice to break free from the chains of dependency and rediscover my authentic self. The decision wasn’t just about abstaining from alcohol; it was a commitment to personal growth, improved mental and physical well-being, and the pursuit of a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

While I knew what had to be done, it wasn’t easy. The path to sobriety demanded a profound shift in my mindset and lifestyle, challenging ingrained habits and confronting uncomfortable emotions. Breaking free from the familiar crutch of alcohol required resilience, determination, and a daily commitment to change.

Looking back, I can say that every hardship was a blessing in disguise. Had it been an easy journey, I’m not sure I would be in the same place today—holding onto my sobriety steadfastly, knowing I earned it and my life is better for it.

It’s been five years, and I’ve never felt better about my life. Join me as I reflect on the most important parts of my voyage to sobriety. I hope it helps some of you out there experiencing the same thing.

Seeking Support

One of the most crucial aspects of my journey was realizing that I didn’t have to face this battle alone. Seeking support from friends, family, or support groups can provide the foundation needed to overcome the challenges of quitting drinking. Opening up to someone about our struggles not only alleviates the burden but also creates a network of understanding individuals who can offer encouragement and guidance.

In my case, I joined a local support group where I found solace in sharing my experiences and learning from others who had walked similar paths. The camaraderie within the group played a significant role in fostering a sense of accountability and motivation to stay on the path to sobriety.

Setting Realistic Goals

You’ve heard it before—quitting drinking is a journey, not a destination. Setting realistic and achievable goals helped me break down the seemingly insurmountable task into manageable steps. Instead of focusing on a distant future without alcohol, I set short-term goals, such as going a week without drinking or attending social events without relying on alcohol as a crutch.

Celebrating small victories along the way was crucial for maintaining my motivation. Each day without a drink became a triumph, reinforcing my commitment to my journey.

Creating Healthy Habits

Replacing the habit of drinking with healthier alternatives was another integral part of the process. I discovered the therapeutic benefits of adopting new habits that promoted my overall well-being. Regular exercise became a cornerstone of my journey, not only helping to release endorphins but also providing a constructive outlet for my stress and anxiety.

Exploring new hobbies and interests also played a pivotal role in filling the void left by alcohol. Whether it was rediscovering a love for art, immersing myself in literature, or learning a musical instrument, these activities not only occupied my time but also allowed for personal growth and self-discovery.

Mindfulness and Self-Reflection

Understanding the triggers that lead to drinking was crucial in breaking the cycle of my dependency. Through mindfulness and self-reflection, I identified the situations, emotions, and environments that prompted my desire to reach for a drink. Armed with this awareness, I could develop coping mechanisms and strategies to navigate these triggers without resorting to alcohol.

For me, learning to love carbonated water was a turning point. I always felt the societal urge to have a fun drink in my hand at gatherings, and the designs and colors of La Croix cans made me feel like I could still be a part of my social group. Thankfully, there are more mocktail options now than ever, which still help me to avoid urges when at restaurants or bars.

Therapeutic Approaches

Therapy played a huge role in my journey to sobriety. My therapist provided a safe space to explore the underlying issues contributing to my dependence on alcohol. Whether through cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, or one-on-one counseling, these sessions equipped me with the tools to address the root causes of my drinking and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Cultivating a Supportive Environment

Surrounding myself with a supportive environment was absolutely essential for maintaining sobriety. This involved making informed choices about the people, places, and activities that influenced my daily life. Communicating with friends and family about my decision to stop drinking allowed them to be allies in my journey, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and encouragement.

I also lost contact with a few friends. They weren’t necessarily unsupportive, but as time went on, I realized that the only thing we had in common was alcohol. It’s always sad to feel a distance forming between friends, but I knew it was for the best.

Understanding Relapses

Relapses can be disheartening, but they are not uncommon. I experienced setbacks along the way, but each relapse became a valuable lesson in understanding my triggers and refining my approach to sobriety. Viewing these experiences through the lens of growth versus failure was a difficult but important change in the way I think.

Embracing the Transformation

Going sober wasn’t just about giving up a harmful habit; it was a profound transformation that extended to every aspect of my life. Sobriety allowed me to rediscover my authentic self, rebuild relationships, and pursue a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

The decision to completely quit alcohol is always a deeply personal journey that requires commitment, self-reflection, and a supportive environment. The journey is unique to each person, and the key is to approach it with patience, resilience, and a willingness to embrace the transformative power of sobriety.

It’s not easy, but it is so worth it.


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author: Kate Irwin

Image: Sérgio Alves Santos/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson