April 9, 2024

2 Ways to Feel more Gratitude & Appreciation Each Day.


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Life is beautiful and it can also feel challenging sometimes.

And even when it feels challenging in certain ways, we can experience moments of beauty, goodness, and lightness.

We have good-feeling days when we wake up feeling refreshed and wonderful and where everything feels like it’s flowing just the way we like, and we have days when we’re tired and out of it or when it seems like nothing is going the way we want it to.

Throughout all of the fluxes of life, we always have an opportunity to turn inward, to tune into ourselves, to settle into the space where we are. Simply being present with ourselves and connected to our hearts can bring us lightness and peace. We can find centering and rooting deep within ourselves. Yes, we may still feel a range of emotions, but we can be there with ourselves through all of it.

We can also open ourselves to feeling more gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation each day.

Here are two ways to feel more gratitude and appreciation each day:

1. Notice when you are appreciating something in the moment.

Maybe it’s the taste of a good meal or breathing in fresh air. Maybe it’s feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep, or the feeling of relaxation that comes from letting yourself completely rest. Maybe it’s hearing the birds chirp or cuddling a pet or taking action toward something meaningful to you. Maybe it’s feeling peaceful and accepting of where you are in the moment. Maybe it’s a soft, warm, loving feeling of being deeply present with yourself. Maybe it’s a beautiful walk out in nature or reading a good book or connecting with a loved one.

These things don’t have to be big and grand and extraordinary, although they can be. These things, these moments, can be simple, little things we do each and every day.

And when you notice that something feels nice, that you’re appreciating something, really move into that feeling. Let that feeling of appreciation fill you completely.

There are so many “little moments” and “little things” we can appreciate each day, if we just open ourselves to seeing them.

2. In the evening, or before you sleep, think about the things that went well during the day.

It can be so easy for us to focus on the negative. It can be easy to focus on what went wrong or what we didn’t achieve or what didn’t happen.

But we can also choose to pay attention to what went right. At night, instead of thinking about all you didn’t accomplish or about the things that didn’t happen or that didn’t go the way you planned, what if you thought: “What went well?” “What do I feel thankful for?”

Whether you had a day that felt wonderful or one that felt less good—could you notice what you did do? What did go well?

Maybe you were tired or irritable but managed to remain peaceful and centered enough to not project your bad mood out to others. Or maybe you felt tired, but you still managed to workout or cook a nice meal or do your best at work. Maybe you feel like you didn’t do anything in the way you would’ve wanted to, but you did your best given how you were feeling. Maybe you decided to rest and take it easy because that’s what felt right.

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is to honor and be present with ourselves, to be true to ourselves and how we feel. This isn’t about forcing positivity when we’re going through something that feels hard or ignoring or suppressing feelings we don’t want to deal with. It’s about honoring the fullness of ourselves and our experiences. It’s about honoring where we are—all of where we are—which can include opening ourselves to seeing the goodness that is around us and within us each day.

We can feel genuine appreciation for just being with ourselves whatever that may look like—whether we feel wonderful and energized and inspired or frustrated or restless or tired.

We can feel thankful and appreciative for connecting with ourselves and for honoring how we feel and what we need.

We can appreciate little things and little moments each day.



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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: julieetozzy/instagram