April 22, 2024

A Simple Poem I wrote at 12 Years Old.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Nature nourishes me like nothing else.

As I grow older and more autonomous, my understanding, passion, and advocacy for the environment, climate crisis, and everything nature continues to increase. Sometimes I reflect on this journey and realise this love for nature is innate in me, and it was observing and being aware of what’s around me that brought it to the forefront.

While spring cleaning my bookcase, I discovered a poem I had written in seventh grade.

It is simple—the observation of a 12-year-old—but it sowed the seeds of care and responsibility needed to be good citizens of our planet.


Birds, while incredibly cute,
Do sometimes eat newts…
And while they do comprehend what to do,
Hey! Beware! They can give you the flu.
Sometimes they can be rather annoying,
For instance, the crow who keeps on cawing…
Pigeons with their perilous droppings,
But hey! Don’t forget the Nightingale who sings like Mary Poppins!

The eagle is dexterous and glides before its attack,
The parrot is an accomplished copycat!
The penguin saunters as if in a floppy hat,
Buy, hey! It’s not his fault, he needs that body fat!
What can I say about the sleepy lurking bat?
It’s altogether another topic, that!

These birds, they keep our ecosystem going,
Pollinators of the world, they’re keeping our flora and fauna growing
Their protection is our colossal responsibility,
If we came together this way, what a magnificent world this would be!


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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Niyati Wadhawan  |  Contribution: 315

author: Niyati Wadhawan

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Lisa Erickson