5.3 Editor's Pick
April 26, 2024

Sue Van Raes teaches Waylon how to Eat (Nachos). {Video & Podcast}

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In the latest episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis…

…Waylon talks with long-time friend Sue Van Raes.

They talk about mindful eating, staying in the present moment, traveling, our personal food stories, and just eating the nachos.

Her new book, “Food and Freedom,” is out now!

“We can look back at our lives, look back at our stories…and we all have our food story. But we also have many other stories that play into how we relate to food. So we can look back and investigate…

…and then just eat the nachos! Recognizing what’s happening in the moment, right? Just simple recognition.

What’s so important to consider is that if we decide to eat nachos…eat nachos.

Just fully be there with them. Enjoy the nachos. What happens so much is that we might go and do that thing that’s a little bit indulgent or feels really pleasure-based, but then because we’re checked out, we’re not even enjoying it.” ~ Sue Van Raes

Listen to the first half of the conversation:

>> Read more from Sue: The Most Sacred Language of Your Body (& How to Use it in Your Eating). ~ Sue Van Raes

>> Waylon & Sue discuss a mindful eating technique. Read more about it, here: 6 little Tips for Mindful Eating.

“This is absolutely like weightlifting. We strengthen our ability to sit with things. We strengthen our ability to be present. We need to strengthen our ability to understand some of the deeper layers of our relationship to food. All of it is coming from an opportunity for growth, more self-discovery, self-trust, and an opportunity—this is most important—for more self-compassion.” ~ Sue Van Raes

Or listen to the podcast:

“There’s so many ways that food is a beautiful entry point into deeper layers of healing. And oftentimes, the places that we need the deepest amount of healing aren’t even related to food.” ~ Sue Van Raes

“When we actually pay attention to our experience of pleasure during food, we can watch where it peaks and where then it shifts. And then it changes into something not as pleasurable because we’re done. Unconsciously our minds are queuing the pleasure to diminish. We can listen to that too.” ~ Sue Van Raes

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Want more? Check out last week’s
Walk the Talk Show episode:


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