May 29, 2024

5 Simple Grounding Practices to Promote Embodiment.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


It’s natural to want to escape our bodies through distraction when difficult feelings come up, but these energies don’t dissipate.

They become more embedded into our system and require yet more distraction as they come up at inopportune times.

They manifest for me as anxiety or unexplainable anger or depression. I am working on integrating all the downloads and information I receive to avoid feeling the intense mania and excitement of information overload.

As a mental projector (in human design), I often find myself feeling chaotic, jumping from one piece of “useful” information to the next, hardly stopping to breathe and integrate any of it. I think there’s a lot of that energy going around right now, as we recently passed the Sagittarius full moon (Thursday, May 23), a sign notorious for seeking our truth, so I feel it’s timely to list some grounding practices that are quick and easy to focus on embodiment.

1. Earthing

Here’s an easy practice that can be done anywhere where you can find soil. Earthing connects us with the earth through electromagnetic energy (hence why shoes are often said to be one of the worst inventions, disconnecting us from the energy of the planet through rubber soles). While doing so, quiet your mind by watching natural events around you: an ant collecting food, a bird finding its footing in a nearby tree, etc.

2. Find something cold to immerse yourself in

This practice is something that’s also used for neurological resets or to come out of fight-flight-freeze mode. Get in a cold shower or tub of water, or hold a few ice cubes for a minute or two and find immediate relief!

3. Diffuse a favorite smell

I always recommend diffusing over all other smelly options, like candles or wax-melting plug-ins, since most of these products contain endocrine-disruptors, and candles emitting smoke cause air pollution that can cause issues in endothelial function (which regulates key functions in our body, including inflammation and immunology). Also, be mindful of where you find your essential oils, as many 100-precent “pure” essential oils actually contain fragrance/perfume, a dilution used to enhance the smell.

4. Use breathing and meditation techniques

The ultimate embodiment exercise is to shut out all other noise, especially our phones, and feel into our body through counting breaths, body scan methods, or other mindfulness meditation practices. Try this quick 10-minute grounding and rebalancing meditation I received in my e-mail this morning:

5. Exercise

Even if it’s a quick walk around the block, exercise can pull us out of our head and back into listening to our body, not to mention all the beautiful happy hormones we receive while working out.


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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