May 28, 2024

I’ve heard that Grief is Love that Remains. {Poem}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

I have heard

that grief

is love still alive, yet unrealized.

Love that remains

on a different plane.


It’s a concept

that feels right

in one’s mind…

Yet, in reality,

it’s heavy and

bends your shoulders with a weight

you yearn to shrug.


When love is one-sided,

and you sometimes possess enough

for the both of you

because you had to.

Without that love,

too big for one heart…

there wouldn’t have been any at all.


Is that grief?

When it all goes away?

Or is it disbelief…

that you gave

all of your soul

to the wrong person?


A person who couldn’t carry any of it.


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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author: Amy Bennett

Image: Eduard Sheryshev/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron